eBook Release: To Be, Or Not To Be? The New Challenges Of Educational ePublishing

Free eBook: To Be, Or Not To Be? The New Challenges Of Educational ePublishing
Summary: In this eBook you will learn everything you need to know about interactive education and the latest trends of educational technology.

The New Challenges Of Educational ePublishing

Technology is inevitably entering into the classroom reality. It affects practically every aspect of education, including teaching and learning materials and methodologies, collaboration platforms, assessment methods, and much more. It is clear that technology can potentially and greatly enhance the classroom experience in all these areas.

To Be, Or Not To Be? The New Challenges Of Educational ePublishing
This eBook will provide you with all the essentials to move from printed materials to digital.

However, it is also true that not every technology solution is the right choice. There are many examples worldwide where big investments have been spent without measurable results or true adoption in schools. Buying a tablet for each student is not a solution if not supported by a carefully designed educational digital ecosystem. Development and maintenance of new methodologies and technologies must include many stakeholders, including ministries of education, publishers, schools, teachers, and students.

In the eBook To Be, Or Not To Be? The New Challenges Of Educational ePublishing we have collected a number of articles where we share our experience in implementation of modern, technology-supported teaching & learning environments along with the teaching methodologies arising from their adoption. We present also a spectrum of possible tools and technologies to build educational digital ecosystems, and we describe the consequences resulting from their selection.

About The eBook

Let’s take a look at the key chapters of To Be, Or Not To Be? The New Challenges Of Educational ePublishing:

  1. The Future Οf Educational Publishers.
    How an educational publisher becomes a technology company.
  2. From Print Τo Digital.
    Steps towards truly interactive education.
  3. Authoring Tool Selection.
    Your Strategic Decision: A technological mess or ePublishing tranquility?
  4. Adaptive Learning.
    The Next Generation of Educational eContent.
  5. Big Data Ιn Education.
    How can K12 publishers leverage Big Data to boost their business?
  6. BYOD.
    How to deal effectively with the growing presence of BYOD.
  7. Flipped Classroom.
    Why and how to flip education?

We hope this eBook will be informative for all educational stakeholders making decisions concerning digital strategies. You can download it here.

Related articles:

1. Flipped Classrooms: Why And How To Flip Education?

2. 4 Ways To Leverage Big Data In Education

3. Adaptive Learning In Education: The Next Gen Of Educational eContent

4. How To Deal Effectively With The Growing Presence Of BYOD In Education

Originally published on December 14, 2017