2015 Best Practices in Blended Learning Conference main theme is "Using Technology to Build Continuous Improvement Capability"
MoreSteam.com, the global leader in online Process Improvement training tools, is hosting the second Best Practices in Blended Learning Conference.
A Blended Learning Forum
- A Forum of Your Peers: We gather deployment leaders building Process Excellence across Europe in a relaxed, conversational setting. Conference participants are experienced process improvement leaders but may be new to using online technologies in their deployments. This conference is the best place to learn more!
- An Exclusive Gathering: This event is invite-only and limited to no more than 50 MoreSteam customers and friends.
- Free to Attend: There is no cost to attend beyond your time and travel.
- Presentations are done by deployment leaders building Process Excellence within Europe. We focus on practical knowledge you can take home and use in your own program.
- To foster conversation, registration is limited, with no more than 2-3 participants from any one company.
Program Topics
- Process Excellence Deployment Benchmarking
- Industrial Excellence and Management Quality
- Process Design Excellence Workshop - Teamwork
- Best Practices in Blended Learning in a Global Deployment
- Culture and Change Management
2015 Best Practices in Blended Learning Conference will be held at the WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management (Vallendar, Germany) on March 10 - 11, 2015.