A DevLearn 2019 FREE Expo+ Pass Gives You Access To:
- Meet with 150+ leading industry suppliers of learning tools, technologies, and solutions in the DevLearn Expo Hall
- Participate in dynamic sessions running throughout the event on five exciting Expo learning stages, all led by industry experts and suppliers
- Explore real-world learning projects created by peers at an attendee-favorite event, DemoFest
- Explore the AR/VR Learning Lab, where you take control and can explore today’s leading virtual reality platforms and the hottest applications highlighting their potential for organizational learning
- Connect with conference speakers, colleagues, and leading eLearning suppliers over appetizers and drinks at the Expo Reception
"I really enjoyed the Expo. I was able to connect with so many great vendors and learn about some new technologies for my company." - Randi Williams, Project Training Lead, eBay
Check out the full Expo+ Pass schedule.