Join us at eLearning 2016 in Scottsdale, Arizona to exchange your great ideas with colleagues from across the country and around the world.
Be a part of one of the friendliest and most comprehensive annual distance learning conferences for eLearning practitioners.
eLearning 2016 will offer you and your staff pre-conference workshops, keynote speakers, vendors exhibiting the latest eLearning technologies and services, and nearly 60 one-hour concurrent sessions.
eLearning 2016 should be attended by:
- eLearning Administrators
- eLearning Faculty
- Instructional Designers
- Online Media Specialists
- Web course Developers
Since 1980, eLearning has been the friendliest, go-to, professional conference for distance learning practitioners. Conference attendees are the deans, directors, faculty and other distance learning professionals from two- and four-year institutions who are directly responsible for eLearning programs at their college.
eLearning 2016 will attract 450 to 500 administrators of distance learning programs from community colleges and universities from around the world. The meeting continues to grow and prosper, in no small measure due to your continued support and participation.
eLearning 2016 will take place at the Doubletree Resort Paradise Valley (Scottsdale, Arizona) on February 14-17, 2016.