How Nielsen Increased Learning Output With Employee Generated Learning

Danielle Walker (Director Solutions Development, Nielsen) and Kasper Spiro (CEO, Easygenerator) break down how Nielsen managed to increase learning output by using employee-generated content and significantly reduce the cost per course. Join them on the 24th of January, 2018.
Dates 24 Jan 2018 4:00 pm (UTC +1) 24 Jan 2018 5:00 pm (UTC +1)
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Webinar - How Nielsen Scaled Learning Output With A New Employee Generated Content Strategy

During the webinar both Danielle (Nielsen) and Kasper Spiro (Easygenerator) share how Employee Generated Learning is helping a large enterprise like Nielsen relieve the L&D department from an overload of learning requests.

Nielsen managed to implement a new strategy to have employees fulfill knowledge requests themselves by adopting an Employee Generated Learning strategy. Danielle and Nielsen quickly got 400 employees to create learning content using Easygenerator.

During the webinar Kasper and Danielle break down the following topics:

  • How Nielsen increased learning output with Employee Generated Learning.
  • How to adopt Employee Generated Learning company-wide.
  • The new role of the Instructional Designer and Learning Department.
  • Why using a SaaS authoring tool is faster, cheaper and easier to maintain.
  • QnA: Kasper and Danielle are happy to answer any question!

Sign up for the webinar here.

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