InnEdCO 2015 major objective is a four-day, hands-on, technology-focused conference that models and promotes the use of technology integration into the classroom.
Top 3 Reasons to Attend InnEdCO2015
- Outstanding Programming: Over 150 sessions and workshops focus on the latest resources and techniques-wikis, blogs, social networking, virtual learning, podcasting along with other hot topics.
- Learn from the Experts: K-12 Education technology leaders help you explore current and emerging technologies and show you how you can apply them to your school challenges.
- Special Sessions and Conference Highlights: Keynotes and Featured Speakers, First Timers’ sessions, product giveaways and more
InnEdCo 2015 will offer participants a variety of session structures designed to maximize participant networking and collaborative learning. You’ll discover a diverse and relevant offering of courses that you won’t find anywhere else. Increase your knowledge of the latest technologies and teaching practices in more than 150 expert-led sessions, panel discussions, workshops and tech talks.
InnEdCo 2015 will host all of the following types of sessions:
An hour-long presentation with a designated moderator facilitating a discussion among two or more panelists around a particular topic. Interaction and Q&A from the audience is highly encouraged.
An hour-long session featuring promising teaching and learning practices, presented in a conversational format, which leads to more talk and action. The protocols for engaging in these conversations are up to you, but they should provide the audience with the ability to share their expertise. Specifically, these sessions are NOT one-way presentations of information.
Innovative Snapshots
20-30 minute micro-presentations that focus on a particular solution, tool or resource. These sessions will be clustered as a series of stations within the conference center, so that participants can see more than one within an hour. These sessions are more informal than workshops, conversations, or panels. They are a great choice for newcomers to InnEdCo as well.
Hands-on Workshops
While we encourage BYOD at every InnEdCo session, these 2 or 3 hour workshops provide the time needed to move from knowledge to application. Presenters should be prepared to dive deeply and show participants how to use technology to shift their practice (with students, teachers, or leaders). These sessions should not be merely “app lists”, but should empower participants to better understand the how and why of each tool or resource.
Ignite Presentation
“Enlighten us, but make it quick” is the Ignite Presentation motto. As this is the only one-direction presentation format at InnEdCo, there are a few constraints. As an Ignite presenter, you will speak while slides advance automatically to support you. An Ignite presentation is exactly 5 minutes, and contains exactly 20 slides. The slides advance automatically after each slide is displayed for 15 seconds. This is an incredibly fun and energizing format, and it is highly recommended if you have something you think is so important that you want to scream it from the top of a mountain (which you will pretty much be doing up at Keystone).
Unconference Topic
This is more of a “request” than a formal session type. At the end of the form, you will have an opportunity to brainstorm a list of topics you think we should make time for in our Unconference space. Based upon your suggestions, we will ensure that we make these topics visible in the schedule. Feel free to be as far-reaching as you like with these topics. Someone may just want to talk with you about them at InnEdCo 2015.
The 2015 Innovative Education Colorado Conference (InnEdCo 2015) will take place at the Keystone Resort Conference Center (Colorado, US), on June 23 - 25, 2015.