Interactive Film: Immersion In Learning
23 April 2015, 10:00am UK BST.
Webinar, free to attend.
Caroline Freeman, Head of Learning Design, Brightwave.
Well-designed, interactive film increases attention, engagement and satisfaction. It can also induce a heightened state of 'flow' within the audience; an impression of discovery and creation, with a documented relationship to high performance and motivation.
Caroline explores how this state of flow can create intrinsic motivation within learners and deliver greater impact than conventional online learning.
With practical insight of experiences from both game development processes and storytelling modes unique to interactive narratives, Caroline demonstrates the situations in which interactive videos are the best solution to a learning need and why.
Key learning points include:
- understanding the different forms of interactive video and their applications for different types of learning
- discovering how interactive film changes learning design for video, with reference to specific case studies
- learning when interactive film is the right solution for you.
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About Caroline
Caroline had over 20 years' experience in interactive media and broadcast TV before moving into e-learning, and is now responsible for ensuring the quality and creativity of our learning design team. At Brightwave she has worked as both a Project Manager and Senior Designer for a broad range of public sector and private accounts. Her approach to solutions design is to use her experience in the games industry and TV to create effective, creative learning courses/campaigns which incorporate learning portals, CMS's and social media.