The objective of ITHET 2015 is to provide a wide forum of discussion on higher education and training.
The convergence of current technologies provides the infrastructure for transmitting and storing information faster and cheaper. For information to be used in gaining knowledge, however, environments for collecting, storing, disseminating, sharing and constructing knowledge are needed. Such environments, knowledge media, brings together the telecommunication, computer and networking technologies, learning theories and cognitive sciences to form meaningful environments that provides for a variety of learner needs.
ITHET 2015 will have a special theme as well as all the traditional themes of previous events. This year we want to explore the curricula and teaching methods appropriate for the future global technical challenges. You will be able to choose between the usual paper presentation in a session or in poster form in special poster sessions. Also this year’s conference will feature a research students paper competition so please encourage your researchers to submit.
The 6th International Workshop on Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning (IEETeL 2015) will be held in conjunction with the ITHET 2015 as a (kind of a larger) Special Session.
The 14th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET 2015) will be held in Portugal, on June 11-13, 2015.