Changing The Conference Format
The L&D Conference 2020 is a pioneering effort to revolutionize the conference format. Spread over six weeks, enabling in-depth learning-in-the-workflow engagement, bringing together many of the finest research-to-practice thought leaders, a diverse group of speakers from around the world, practical insights, debates, interviews, networking, and so much more.
Will Thalheimer and Matt Richter are co-organizing, intending to bring a much needed online-anytime learning experience to learning professionals around the world this year when there is so much turmoil and angst, a place to go to learn and re-energize ourselves.
The L&D Conference 2020 is ideal for L&D practitioners at all levels.
Topics include:
- Learning Science
- Behavior Change
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
- Storytelling
- Presentation Science
- Motivating Your Learners
- AI, Machine Learning, Data Science
- PowerPoint
- Performance Consulting
- Learning Technology Strategy
- Changes in the L&D Industry
- Learning Evaluation
- And so much more...
Given that the conference is almost upon us, register now or reach out if you're having problems pushing the funds through your organizational machinery. Contact Will Thalheimer directly if you get stuck at [email protected].