Still the only case study led Learning event in Australia, The Learning Assembly Australia (TLAA2015) has been developed through the research of some the most respected learning professionals.
Discover at TLAA 2015:
- The “Working Out Loud” initiative in the workplace and how to improve learning and knowledge sharing
- Implementing elearning in a Greenfield site
- User testing and using low cost rapid prototyping to improve content
- Making mandatory training engaging
- Developing an online social course and design for mobile learning
- Presenting complex technical information to a highly skilled audience
- Using boundary learning objects to share knowledge and create a common understanding among cross-disciplinary teams
- Activating innovative knowledge creation
- Exploring MOOCs’ opportunities and its expansion outside of tertiary education
- Using a blended learning approach to engage a young generation
- Elevating L&D value and building mastery
- Building an eLearning platform and linking the knowledge system and community platform to enable a holistic learning approach
TLAA 2015 is the first event where the speakers and activities have shaped how the event is delivered, with a variety of presentations styles and lengths.
The Learning Assembly Australia (TLAA 2015) will be held at the Rydges Swanston (melbourne, Australia) on February 17 - 19, 2015.