USciences eLearning 3.0 Conference - Keynote: The Future Of Learning Platforms
USciences and the Northeast E-Learning Consortium invite you to present at our joint annual conference.
Our theme this year and the topic of our Keynote is The Future of Learning Platforms
The speaker is Phil Hill (@PhilOnEdTech), Co-Publisher of the e-Literate blog and Partner at MindWires, LLC. As a market analyst, Phil has analyzed the growth of technology-enabled change for educational institutions, uncovering and describing the trends and implications for the broader market.
We hope you will consider presenting. The deadline for the Call is March 15, 2019.
Rod Murray & Rich Wack
Rodney B. Murray, PhD
Conference Chair
Executive Director of Academic Technology Services
University of the Sciences
Richard Wack, MS
President, Northeast E-Learning Consortium
Instructional Technology Specialist
Villanova University