The FOMO The L&D Industry Is Facing Due To The Buzz Of Generative AI

The FOMO The L&D Industry Is Facing Due To The Buzz Of Generative AI
Blue Planet Studio/Shutterstock
Summary: Learn how to integrate AI gradually while focusing on soft skills and forming strategic partnerships. Embrace AI as a collaborative tool, not a replacement, to shape the future of learning.

How To Take A Balanced View On The New Phenomenon

As we navigate the choppy waters of the Learning and Development (L&D) industry, a new buzzword has recently emerged–AI-generated content. But let's hit pause and rewind a bit. AI is not some distant future we are hurtling towards at breakneck speed. It is already here, part of our daily lives, a silent force that shapes the world around us. From Siri's voice assistance on our smartphones to Alexa's smart home management, AI has integrated seamlessly into our routines. So why the sudden surge of apprehension in L&D?

Learning and training aren't newcomers at this party. Remember the good old school days? Well, they're a far cry from today's chatter about hybrid learning, tuning into classes from the comfort of your bed, and turning learning into an interactive game. If you think things have changed in the last decade, you're absolutely right: the education landscape has turned a complete 180 degrees.

But is AI really such a radical departure from the norm? It's not like we're leaving behind paper and ink for holograms and brain chips. AI-generated content is just another snazzy upgrade we can harness in our quest for effective learning. Sure, the method of delivery and the speed of processing may be different, but isn't change an inevitable aspect of progress?

L&D And AI: AI’s Influence On Learning

When it comes to learning, organic engagement is the golden ticket. We've all been there, struggling to focus on dense materials that only drain our enthusiasm. Enter AI, the savvy companion that's here to make learning a tad more interesting. By looking at data, AI can help us figure out what clicks with learners and what needs a little extra push; it accordingly helps generate drafts and content frameworks that lay the groundwork for an effective learning journey. This information is pure gold for L&D teams as they tailor content that grabs attention and leaves a lasting impact.

The teams are frequently entangled in managing administrative tasks, data analysis, or content structuring, which can be overwhelming. AI can step up as the ultimate support system here too, armed with its automation capabilities while freeing up humans to focus on high-value work that plays to their strengths, such as curating content, providing coaching and mentorship, facilitating engaging learning experiences. So can this phenomenon pack enough punch to replace entire L&D teams?

AI Is The Assistant, Not The Headliner

AI will continue to get smarter and more capable over time. There are certain tasks like creating personalized learning paths and delivering content at a scale where AI can be very beneficial. However, L&D professionals still have a critical role to play in identifying and addressing learning needs, especially soft skills that are hard to quantify.

The sweet spot lies in collaboration, using AI to complement and augment human abilities rather than attempt to replicate them. Instead of birthing a robotic imitation, we're talking about AI being the Robin to our Batman. By embracing AI as a collaborative tool, the L&D field can evolve and adapt to benefit both industries and learners.

How Can L&D Teams In Organizations Begin To Use AI Positively

So now as companies get ready to finally step onto the AI bandwagon, there's a road map to navigate, and the first signpost reads "set guardrails." As data security concerns continue to haunt businesses across the globe, L&D teams must ensure that their AI systems are secure and adhere to industry regulations. This will help them prevent any security breaches, protecting not just the organization, but also the employees and learners.

Adapt Gradually

Next, let's make AI a sidekick in daily operations. Instead of overhauling programs and systems, L&D teams should gradually incorporate AI and generative learning. You have an ally who tirelessly goes through countless pre-built courses, filtering out what's still relevant and what's not. In human terms, this could be as daunting as searching for a needle in a haystack. But AI takes on the task with unmatched patience.

Focus On Soft Skills

While AI excels at technical skills training, human L&D professionals are better suited to teach soft skills. These include leadership, communication, creativity, and emotional intelligence. L&D teams should focus their efforts on developing impactful soft skills training. They can then use AI and generative learning to enhance and scale some aspects of soft skills training, but the human element is still key.

Forge Strategic Alliances

In addition to taking on repetitive tasks, organizations can also work with vendors and L&D partners who can use AI to speed up the content-build process. These partnerships mean quicker content builds, which translate to courses that launch faster, meeting the immediate needs of the teams without those endless waiting games.

So, with guardrails set, operations optimized, and partnerships flourishing, L&D teams are well on their way to embracing the AI journey without roadblocks and significantly reaping its rewards.


This is an emerging landscape, and no one holds all the cards. Don't be swayed by grand promises and daunting uncertainties. Instead, take the next step with a partner who's as curious and committed as you are. Someone who understands that learning and AI are a symbiotic partnership, not a takeover. Whether you are an educator or an L&D team member, remind yourself that this is a shared adventure. Use AI as a guide and teamwork as your compass. The future of learning is in motion, and you could be driving the change.

eBook Release: Dexler Education
Dexler Education
Custom Content Development, Learning Strategy and SAP Standard Content training solutions to help with rapid learning, delivered with industry expertise spanning two decades.