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Maximize Your Team's Potential: How Virtual Training Fuels Employee Development And Remote Engagement


Maximize Your Team's Potential: How Virtual Training Fuels Employee Development And Remote Engagement

by CoreAxis / Published: Jun 26 2020

What it's about

Virtual online Learning and Development (L&D) is no longer an option—it’s a necessity. But, as with anything in business, if it’s not done well, it’s not worth doing. Learn the secrets to fuel employee growth and fully engage with your remote workforce by finding the right virtual training partner.

Key chapters

  • The New Normal of Online Learning

    Over the past decade, remote working has grown more than 90%, and it’s a trend that’s accelerating faster than ever—and that’s here to stay. When considering all that goes into the remote work transition—ensuring employees have the right technology, connectability and team and manager interactions, for instance—it’s easy for L&D to become an afterthought.
  • Check Your Blind Spots

    Before you enlist a virtual training outsourcing partner, it’s critical to check your blind spots. When transitioning to eLearning, and especially when pivoting quickly, many organizations make assumptions that cause them to stumble in the long run and end up hurting productivity.
  • Take Inventory

    We’ve established why translating your learning and development programs to virtual formats is critical to long-term success, and what to watch out for in the process. Now it’s time to take the first step toward making your vision a reality.
  • Choose the Right Partner

    You wouldn’t pick a name out of a hat when choosing your software or parts provider—why would you do it with your training outsourcing partner? Here are a few highly-specific qualities that you should look for when choosing a training outsourcing company.
  • Understand Your Audience

    Your high school history class was one-size-fits-all—a single curriculum for every student, with little room for personalization. How many of those lessons do you recall in vivid detail? If you’re like most people, not many. That’s why if you want learning and development programs to have an impact, they can’t be one-size-fits-all.
  • It Takes a Village

    You can’t build a house with just a roofer. And you can’t build an effective eLearning program with just a developer. In order to maximize the investment in virtual learning, you need a team that’s equipped to handle everything from the overarching strategy to the nuanced details.
  • Maximize Your Toolkit

    The online training industry is expected to reach $375 billion by 2026, growing at a clip of 8% per year. It’s easy to see why, as more organizations adopt remote work and technology continues to rapidly innovate. In order to not get left behind, it’s critical to choose an outsourcing training partner with an expansive, dynamic toolkit.
  • Leaders at Every Level

    It’s not enough to offer basic training, such as onboarding and compliance. Developing employees’ hard and soft skills and preparing them for future leadership roles will make them more engaged and productive, and less likely to leave. Making an investment in future leaders by establishing a plan for leadership development training sets organizations up for long-term success.

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