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The eLI eBook Sampler: Must-Read Chapters From Our Skill-Building Guides


The eLI eBook Sampler: Must-Read Chapters From Our Skill-Building Guides

by eLearning Industry / Published: Jan 26 2024

What it's about

This is the sixth installment of our eBook Sampler series, and this collection features standout sections from our skill-building guides. It covers everything from skills mapping to reskilling your workforce. Each chapter is borrowed from one of our eBooks. At the end of each section, you can download the respective title to dive deeper into the topic.

Key chapters

  • 8 Fool-Proof Upskilling Strategies To Drive Success Within Your Organization

  • 8 In-Demand Skills To Master For Career Advancement

  • 7+1 Telltale Signs Your Organization Needs Skills Mapping

  • 6 Ways To Assess Sales Employees’ Skills In Online Training

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