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Value For Money LMS: How To Find A Platform That Offers The Best Return On Your Investment


Value For Money LMS: How To Find A Platform That Offers The Best Return On Your Investment

by eLearning Industry / Published: Jun 11 2019

What it's about

With so many Learning Management Systems on the market, is there any way to be sure you’re getting the right one? Do you really know what to look for to ensure you’re getting good value for money? Is there a way to evaluate exactly how much value an LMS will add to your bottom line? How do you keep all your stakeholders happy, from corporate learners to leaders when negotiating a new LMS implementation? Which LMS features can really help you enhance value for money? Do you know how to choose the best LMS pricing model for your company? Is it really giving you your money’s worth or is it hurting your bottom line? Are you really making the most out of your LMS free trial? Download our eBook to find the answers to these questions and much more…

Key chapters

  • 6 Reasons Why You Should Find A Value For Money LMS

  • The Four E’s: How To Find A Value For Money LMS Based On Effectiveness, Efficiency, Economy, And Equity

  • Calculating Learning Management System ROI: A 6-Step Guide

  • Finding A Value For Money LMS: 9 Terms Every LMS Buyer Should Know

  • Do You Get What You Pay For? 7 Tips To Find A Value For Money LMS And Maximize ROI

  • 8 Features In Value For Money LMS That Enhance Your Investment

  • Is Your Current Platform Worth the Investment? 6 Tips For A Successful LMS Evaluation

  • Top Tips To Choose The Right LMS Pricing Model For Your Organization

  • Value For Money LMS: 6 Tips To Improve Its ROI By Conducting A Training Needs Analysis

  • 5 Factors That Can Decrease The ROI Of A Value For Money LMS

  • 8 Tips To Choose The Best Value For Money LMS Using An Online LMS Directory

  • 5 Tips To Evaluate A Value For Money LMS During An LMS Free Trial Or Demo

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