List Οf Educational Video Site Collections

List Οf Educational Video Site Collections
Summary: Learning becomes more effective when learners are mutually active with the learning materials. The use of educational videos has become extremely popular throughout the learning process, employed in both traditional and online education.

For online education, this is the Learner to Content interaction type as described by Michael G. Moore (The Types of Interaction). However, for tradition and online education I have seen repeatedly the same mistakes. I highly encourage you to use video in your learning materials if:

  1. Your learning objectives are best served by this strategy,
  2. You include follow-up questions to bring your audience back into an interactive mode and activate collaborative learning, and
  3. Tend towards shorter versus longer videos so that your learners are kept active!

To find the perfect video for your learner I created a list of 46 educational video collections (update 10/1/12)! If I missed an Educational Video Site please leave a comment and I will added at the list! The list is in alphabetical order.

  1. 5min: Your one-stop shop for instructional videos and DIY projects.
  2. Academic Earth: Academic Earth aims to provide everyone with the opportunity to earn a world-class education by offering free online classes and online learning tools.
  3. Backpack TV: In this educational video library, you’ll find a special interest in math, science, and other academic subjects.
  4. Big Think: Video interviews with 2000+ thought leaders in a variety range of fields.
  5. Brightstorm:  Brightstorm helps save you time studying so you have time for other things... like enjoying life.
  6. Classroom Clips: Classroom Clips offers media for educators and students.
  7. CosmoLearning: Aggregator of free educational website for students and teachers with 499+ courses, and 12,082+ video lectures.
  8. Disney Educational Productions: educators have turned to Disney Educational Productions for award-winning classroom media that enhances learning and unlocks student creativity.
  9. Edutopia: An great resource to find learning ideas and resources, Edutopia has videos, blogs, and more, all sorted into grade levels.
  10. shares live animal cams, films, educational channels, and more for your classroom to explore.
  11. Futures Channel: High quality multimedia content ideal for use in the classroom.
  12. Google Educational Videos: Go to Google Video - In the "search box" type: genre: educational (chemistry, literature, etc) and you will find the perfect video!
  13. Howcast: Howcast empowers people with engaging, useful how-to information wherever, whenever they need to know how.
  14. Internet Archive: Collection of more than two-hundred thousand free historical videos, many academic.
  15. iTunes U: Free lectures, language lessons, audiobooks, and more accessible via Apple iTunes.
  16. Professionally developed programming for K-12 classrooms.
  17. Math TV: Professional video lessons in mathematics. Covers basic math through calculus.
  18. MentorMob: Featuring learning playlists, MentorMob is a great place to find lessons you want to teach.
  19. MIT Open CourseWare: Lectures and course materials for students, teachers, and self-learners.
  20. MIT Video: Guide to more than 11,000 interesting MIT videos and lectures.
  21. NeoK12: Aggregator of high-quality educational videos from around the Web.
  22. Open Yale Courses: Free access to a selection of introductory Yale courses.
  23. OV Guide: Find education videos on this site, featuring author readings and instructional videos.
  24. PBS: Free videos from your favorite PBS programs, including NOVA and Frontline.
  25. ResearchChannel: 4,500+ videos from distinguished researchers and scholars.
  26. SchoolTube: Video sharing platform for schools featuring original content created by students.
  27. SnagFilms: Library of free, full-length documentary films.
  28. Teachers TV: Engaging, professional videos and practical resources for educator development.
  29. TeacherTube: This YouTube for online community of teachers is an amazing resource for finding and sharing educationally-focused instructional videos.
  30. TEDEd: Use engaging videos to create customized lessons.
  31. UWTV: Offered by the University of Washington, UWTV has videos in the arts, K-12, social sciences, health, and more.
  32. Videojug: Expert advice with over 60,000 FREE, professionally-produced how to videos and guides.
  33. Get access to browseable lectures designed for the exchange of ideas and knowledge, offering videos in architecture, business, technology, and many more categories.
  34. WatchKnowLearn: Comprehensive online directory of FREE educational videos aggregated from across the Web.
  35. WonderHowTo: Search engine and directory of free how-to videos.
  36. YouTube EDU:Free lectures from more than one hundred colleges and universities.
  37. Zane Education: The essential and compelling visual learning teaching resource for every K-12 classroom.
  38. Schoox: Schoox is an Academy for Self-Learners where members can teach, learn and certify their knowledge online. Users can create private or public online courses ...
  39. Coursera: Take the World's Best Courses, Online, For Free.
  40. Codeacademy: Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code. It's interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends.
  41. EdX: Explore free courses from edX universities
  42. Openlearning:  Enjoy teaching and love learning. Choose from a range of public and private online courses.
  43. P2PU: At P2PU, people work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback.
  44. Udacity: Learn. Think. Do. Higher Education for Free
  45. Udemy: Start Learning from the World's Top Instructors.
  46. Khan Academy: Learn almost anything for free