8 Tips To Develop eLearning Courses For Online Learners With Attention Deficit Disorder

8 Tips To Develop eLearning Courses For Online Learners With Attention Deficit Disorder
Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.com
Summary: Every online learner should have the opportunity to benefit from your eLearning course, regardless of behavioral disorders or developmental difficulties. This article features 8 tips to develop eLearning courses for online learners with attention deficit disorder.

How To Develop eLearning Courses For Online Learners With Attention Deficit Disorder

The human attention span is already short. But those who suffer from attention deficit disorder must deal with a litany of other issues, including impulsivity, lack of concentration, and trouble following through. Thus, you must take their unique traits and learning needs into consideration when designing your eLearning course. Here are 8 top tips to help online learners with attention deficit disorder focus on the eLearning activities and immerse themselves in the eLearning content.

1. Remove Common Distractors From Your eLearning Course Design

One of the most well-known traits for ADD or ADHD is being easily distracted. Noises or activities that others may shrug off or completely ignore become significant obstacles for people with ADD. Removing common distractors from your eLearning course design can help these online learners stay focused and engaged. For example, extraneous images or graphics that may be too thought-provoking.

2. Start With A Summary

Online learners with attention deficit disorder need some organization to stay on top of tasks and maintain mental focus. They have difficulty filtering out content that is relevant to their learning goals and objectives. Especially if they aren’t sure where the eLearning course is heading or the desired outcomes. This is why it’s essential to start with a brief summary that outlines the key takeaways. Clarify what the eLearning course entails, what they’re expected to learn, and the real-world benefits. You can even break it down into a bullet list so that they understand each step in the process.

3. Incorporate A Detailed eLearning Course Map

Another effective way to prepare online learners with attention deficit disorder for the eLearning experience is to incorporate an eLearning course map. It should feature the core eLearning activities, resources, and modules they’re expected to complete, as well as a brief description of the skills or knowledge they’ll acquire from every stop of the eLearning course map. You can unlock the navigation to give them free reign, but make sure they’re aware of completion dates and assessments. For example, they must finish the company policy certification course and its respective exams within the week.

4. Add Social Learning Activities (With Ground Rules)

People with attention deficit disorder may react without thinking things through, especially in social situations. For example, voice their opinions without realizing how it may negatively impact others. However, they still benefit from social learning activities, as it allows them to share experiences with peers and exchange information. The key is to develop guidelines so that they can better control their impulses and avoid conflicts.

5. Create A Safe And Supportive eLearning Environment

A common symptom of ADD and ADHD is the inability to manage emotions. Particularly negative feelings, such as anger. They may also become easily frustrated if they’re not able to complete an eLearning activity or experience performance issues. However, you can help create a more safe and supportive eLearning environment to encourage participation. Provide personalized praise and always pair constructive criticism with recommendations. Give online learners access to microlearning support tools so that they remedy issues on their own. A positive and communicative online learning community is also paramount to eLearning success.

6. Develop A Multisensory Experience That Features Real-World Activities

Some online learners with attention deficit disorder may find it challenging to sit still for longer periods of time, or when the subject matter is dry and dull. A multisensory experience fosters immersion and allows them to engage with the eLearning content more effectively. For instance, simulations or serious games impart the takeaways and give them the opportunity to put it into context. They also cater to varied learning preferences, which is beneficial for your entire audience regardless of their background or special needs.

7. Break Long-Term Objectives Into Manageable Milestones

Human beings, in general, prefer instant gratification. They would rather receive small incentives now instead of waiting for a bigger payoff down the line. Online learners with attention deficit disorder find it even harder waiting for rewards. They also have difficulty completing long-term projects that involve multiple steps or tasks. Therefore, you need to break more involved objectives and goals into manageable milestones. As an example, online learners must obtain their skill-based certification by the end of the quarter. Outline which eLearning courses they must complete to achieve this goal and the resources that are available to them. You can also set specific due dates for each phase to keep them on track, which holds them accountable for their own performance and provides more structure. However, it still gives them the opportunity to plot their own course and choose relevant eLearning activities.

8. Get Challenging Tasks Out Of The Way

Online learners with attention deficit disorder tend to lose interest as the eLearning course progresses, even if the content is engaging and they know it will yield real-world benefits. Especially when the challenging tasks are left until the end. Get difficult subject matters or activities out of the way so that your online learners can process the information with a fresh mind and while their attention span is still at full capacity. They’re more likely to engage if the hurdles are hopped and they can just focus on self-reflection and knowledge reinforcement. For example, encourage them to complete a branching scenario that involves new skills or knowledge. Then follow up with serious games or presentations that improve knowledge retention and give them a mental breather.

Attention deficit disorder has the potential to impact virtually every aspect of learners’ lives. However, creating an easily accessible eLearning course that accommodates their needs gives them equal opportunities to learn and interact with peers. They can focus on the task at hand and absorb the information in a calm, supportive eLearning environment without letting external distractions or mental stressors stand in the way.

Creating an all-inclusive online training program gives everyone the chance to gain self-confidence and build vital skills. Read the article 9 Tips To Create Serious Games For Online Learners With Special Needs to discover tips to create serious games that engage and entertain online learners with special needs.

Originally published on November 24, 2019