How L&D Teams Can Design A Virtual Learning Journey That Delivers Seamless Training Results

Summary: The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the workplace dynamics, and we now witness the “new normal” of remote operations. In this article, I share 6 strategies that L&D teams can use to design their virtual learning journey and deliver seamless training results.

Tips On Designing Successful Learning Journeys For Remote Teams

While the percentage of remote learners may change over time, it will clearly be an integral component of the workplace in the future. The high impact of trainer-led classroom sessions is difficult to match when the entire audience is working remotely. L&D teams clearly need to have an effective strategy in place to design a virtual learning journey that delivers seamless training results.

eBook Release: Virtual Training Guide: How To Future-Proof Your Virtual Training Transformation
eBook Release
Virtual Training Guide: How To Future-Proof Your Virtual Training Transformation
Discover tips, best practices, and ideas you can use for your virtual training transformation.

What Are The Steps That L&D Teams Need To Follow In Order To Design An Effective Virtual Learning Journey?

  • L&D teams should plan a progressive transition of classroom/ILT sessions to the online mode. This virtual learning journey could feature:
    • ILT to Virtual ILT (VILT). This would map to:
      - Synchronous connections or live sessions
      - Asynchronous connections via online access to VILT recordings and supporting collateral (prep material and handouts)
    • ILT to self-paced or fully online mode.
    • ILT to an optimal blended mode that offers VILT in a self-paced or fully online mode. This would again leverage VILT sessions in synchronous/asynchronous models.
  • L&D teams must factor for tips and strategies that will create high engagement for remote learners in each mode.
  • L&D teams should draw up a long-term, sustainable action plan that not only covers the transition but also has crucial measures in order to ascertain:
    • The effectiveness of the training in the new mode
    • The training impact
    • The demonstrable value for learners and businesses—matching or exceeding what was being met in the classroom/ILT mode.

What Strategies Can L&D Teams Use To Deliver Seamless Training Results?

L&D teams can leverage our learning and performance ecosystem to create an immersive virtual learning experience and provide a rewarding virtual learning journey that delivers seamless training results for remote learners [1].

Learning and Performance Ecosystem

Through the following 6 strategies, L&D teams can create immersive virtual learning experiences:

  1. Capture attention regarding training opportunities. Leverage newsletters and teaser videos to highlight the significance of the initiative.
  2. Build awareness around "What’s In It For Me" (WIIFM). Highlight the value this training will provide to learners.
  3. For formal training, opt for immersive learning strategies like gamification, AR/VR, scenario-based learning, interactive story-based learning, and branching scenarios.
  4. Augment formal training with performance support tools (PSTs) or job aids for knowledge application or to assist the learners at the moment of need.
  5. Post the training, reinforce learning to minimize knowledge erosion, challenge workers with complex and advanced learning content, provide practice zones for learners to hone their skills, and offer frequent revisions through curated assets to continue the learning journey.
  6. Offer social or collaborative learning opportunities so that learners can learn through peer networking and other group forums both within and outside of the work environment.

Summing Up

Given the “new normal” of remote learning, virtual trainings must be the core of an organization’s learning strategy [2]. The learning and performance ecosystem is a great way to work with a bigger picture and successfully achieve your training goals by:

  • Creating “sticky” learning experiences
  • Enabling effective application on the job
  • Driving change in thinking and behavior

I hope our unique learning and performance ecosystem provides you with the right platform to implement strategies for your virtual learning journey and deliver seamless training results.

Download the eBook Virtual Training Guide: How To Future-Proof Your Virtual Training Transformation and discover all you need to know for your virtual training transformation endeavor—packed with tips, best practices, and ideas you can use! Join the webinar, too, and learn what the ideal long-term approach for remote learners is.


[1] Tips and Strategies to Convert Your Existing Training to an Immersive Virtual Learning Experience

[2] 5 Amazingly Effective Strategies to Convert Your ILT Program to High-impact Virtual Training

eBook Release: EI
EI is an emotionally intelligent learning experience design company that partners with customers in their Digital Transformation journey.
Originally published on August 25, 2020