Improve Institute Productivity With School ERP
The digitization of an institution's operations with a school ERP starts from the pre-admission process and takes care of all the activities in the life cycle of students and teachers like timetables, grade books, fee collection, attendance, etc. Each student, parent, and teacher have separate login credentials to access the system. Once it is implemented properly in the school, it is good enough to take care of the future needs in the coming years. As a result, the initial effort required in implementing it helps the institution in the long term by assisting the institution to grow and evolve with time.
9 Ways School Enterprise Resource Planning Software Helps Institutions
This article explains the different scenarios in which a school ERP helps the institution’s evolution over a period of time.
1. Increase In Student Numbers
The number of students in an institution changes year after year. There will be new joinees as well as students leaving the institution. All the data stored in the school ERP will be available for future reference. Student numbers can also drastically increase if new batches are created in the institution. All these are part of the lifecycle of an evolving educational institution. With the presence of a digitalized school ERP, these changes are recorded and kept in safe storage without any major effort.
2. Human Resource Management
Similar to students, staff also join and leave the institution. The records and activities of staff who are part of the institution need to be managed digitally. This is achieved using the school ERP’s HRMS module. In the HRMS module of the school ERP, the entire lifecycle of staff from their joining date is managed and stored digitally. It includes leave management, payroll management, employee certificates, employee appraisals, etc. With the help of the HRMS module in the school ERP, an institution can automate the usual time-taking jobs and thereby help the institution evolve with time.
3. Opening Of New Branches
When an institution decides to open multiple branches, it is possible with the help of a school ERP. It will be easy to replicate the system and process in one branch to the newly opened one. The opening of branches of an institution happens usually in the evolution of an institution during its growth phase. A properly implemented school ERP is helpful in such times to speed up and automate the process.
4. Fee Collections
Student fee collection is one of the most important parts of a school’s operations. The fee structure can change yearly and is also usually different for students with different privileges. All these complexities growing with changing times can be managed better with a school ERP.
5. New Innovations As Plugins/Integrations
Once it is implemented in the institution, there will be other products and innovations getting implemented in the school. These new products and innovations need to be integrated with the school ERP to make everything work seamlessly. This is possible by integrating with the API of the school ERP or developing a plugin. With this feature, your institution can evolve over time without fearing to replace the school ERP to implement a missing feature.
6. Report Generation
Reports are the main feature of a school ERP, which are accessed mainly by administrators and institution leadership. The reports can vary drastically with changes in academic structure or other changes ordered by regulatory bodies. All these varying requirements of reports that come with evolving times can be handled easily with the help of a school ERP.
7. Transportation Management
Large institutions usually have their own transportation vehicles and employees to handle transportation. As the school grows yearly, the number of vehicles and the non-teaching employees will also increase and this can be automated and handled smoothly. Other functionalities associated with transportation management like GPS, RFID, etc., also can be managed better with the presence of a digital school ERP.
8. Online Examination
As noticed in the recent COVID crisis, the institutions which had implemented good school enterprise resource planning software in advance were able to maintain the momentum of academics. They achieved it through online classes and online examinations. Online examinations are getting implemented by more institutions to help the students self evaluate their progress. This also reduces the administrative workload.
9. Other benefits
Various challenges faced while running and growing an educational institution across years can be solved with the help of a good school ERP. If you have subscribed to a SaaS model or have a good technical team managing the ERP, you can let go of the various technical challenges related to scaling, backup, mobile app, etc. All these efforts can be automated using school ERP.
In this article, we have seen the various ways a school ERP helps an educational institution evolve with time.