How To Develop A Learning Strategy

How To Develop A Learning Strategy
Summary: The following article seeks to explain clearly how to create a learning strategy for your projects. The insights might also be applicable to other departments!

Learning Strategies

The scope, overview, benefits, stakeholders, process flow, marketing plan (if relevant), timeline, and frequently asked questions all play a role in developing a learning strategy. Before starting out with a project, idea, or program, one should have a strategy. To achieve this, I believe it could be helpful to focus on certain key sections to take into account for a better structure of what to include.

Key Sections To Focus On In Developing A Learning Strategy

So, let’s begin! It's essential to be clear about the scope of your strategy for any particular project, idea, program, etc. What led you to make it? An overview will be very helpful for everyone to understand more about your project, idea, or program. Try to be as detailed as you can to avoid confusion, a lot of questions, and pushback.

Once this is made clear, we may move on to determine how this will help the project, idea, or program. Make sure everyone understands what is intended by including as many facts as you can. Finding the strategy's benefits are crucial since it will help everyone understand how the project, initiative, or program will benefit the whole company and your stakeholders. The benefits should be clear, relevant to your project, idea, or program, and helpful to everyone.

The stakeholders involved throughout the development of your project, idea, program, etc. should let everyone in the company know if their input is required, how you will work with them, or if external clients are also involved. Make sure you involve every applicable stakeholder, including internal and external stakeholders. Don't forget that the stakeholders can be your colleagues or external customers outside the company, depending on the project/idea.

Now that the previously mentioned details have been made clear and the scope and contributors are known, it is time to describe the process flow so that everyone can understand exactly how the work will be carried out, what steps will be taken, what types of activities will be included, who will do them, and when this process will be updated. I would say that the process flow is one of the most important steps in building a strategy because it will make very clear what will happen during the action steps.

Whether your project or idea needs to be marketed internally or externally, it is crucial to understand what the marketing strategy will be and the key steps/plan for making your project visible. Start by identifying all the channels where you are planning the promote your project:

  • How the project/idea will be announced?
  • How will you constantly promote the project/idea? What will be the main promotion channel (email, social media, etc.)?
  • On which days/weeks will the promotion occur? Create a recurrent events list/calendar with the posts.

A roadmap of the complete process during the full strategy flow would also be extremely helpful. In order to prevent getting tied to exact dates that may have to be adjusted throughout the process, I would advise including the main stages of the strategy along with the period in weeks or months that they are expected to take (depending on the project/idea/program). When the project, idea, or program is about to be implemented, the project managers can develop a detailed timeline with complete information and details.

There may be other helpful information to complete the strategy depending on the project, idea, or program, and these can be included based on context. However, it will always be helpful to include any such information to make sure that your strategy is focused on your target audience and is concise and accurate. I support FAQs for the majority of ideas, and even advertising campaigns, because they will make it clearer to everyone what you're trying to do and how it's done. Anyone can verify the answers to the most important and basic questions about the project, strategy, program, etc., in the FAQs.


This structure can help everyone learn how to create and compile the most important details when developing a learning strategy, and the process documentation for their projects/ideas/programs. This includes having sections on the scope, overview, how it will help, benefits, the stakeholders involved, process flow, marketing plan (if applicable), timeline, and FAQs. I hope it will be helpful to you, and if you have questions and need support on how to develop such a strategy, I am more than happy to support and provide guidance!