Using Interactive Elements In eLearning Courses

Using Interactive Elements In eLearning Courses
Summary: There's no doubt that engaging eLearning courses grab learner’s attention. One of the ways to build an immersive learning experience, is by introducing interactive elements as a strategy for designing courses. Learn more about presenting content with simple yet attractive interactivities.

How To Use Some Interactive Elements In eLearning Courses

Learner engagement is critical to the success of any eLearning course. A high-quality eLearning course that immerses learners into the learning process, provides them with a good learning experience and facilitates learner participation is crucial for achieving learner engagement. An eLearning course with just text and graphics can be a boring experience for the learners. On the other hand, presenting the required content with appropriate interactivities in a visually appealing and elegant graphical layout can do wonders for the course.

In traditional eLearning courses, interactivities such as click and learn, or rollover, are used for learner engagement. However, with the advances in technology, interactivities such as touch, swipe, pinch, zoom, etc. have also been adapted. In this part of the article, we will focus on the click-and-learn, and rollover, interactivities. Let’s take a look at a few examples.

Click-And-Learn Interactivity

The layout presented below is used for tab style interactivity. On clicking each tab or label, its relevant content with an appropriate graphic is displayed. We can use tab interactivity to present content such as classification, process, relationship, list, etc. in an attractive layout that promotes learner involvement. Tab interactivity can accommodate a large amount of text. The best advantage of a tab style interactivity is that it can accommodate a large amount of text.

This layout is for accordion style interactivity. On clicking each label, relevant information is displayed. This interactivity can be presented using a horizontal or a vertical layout.

The layout given below is for flip card style interactivity. The title or main information is presented on the card. On click, the card flips to display its description and a representative image.

The layout presented below is for scenario-based interactivity. We can have a sequence of events with a click-and-learn interactivity to present the entire scenario. Scenarios can be presented with challenges and options where the learners have to choose the most appropriate option. Also, click interactivity can be used to view character roles, display their conversations, and build the entire scenarios. These few styles can be very effective in ensuring learner engagement, directing their attention, responding to what they have learned, or helping them to apply their experience.

This is a layout for assessment interactivity to assess the learner’s knowledge. It is another important section of having interactive elements in an eLearning course. The course can have click interactivity for multiple and single choice questions, selecting option(s) from a drop-down box, matching the information from two columns, drag-and-drop options to their corresponding matches, a scenario with challenging options, etc. Such elements encourage learners to engage in interactive assessments.

Rollover Interactivity

This is a layout to introduce the modules in a course. The module title is displayed on hovering/rolling the mouse over the module number.

This layout displays dialogues in a scenario. The dialogues are displayed on hovering the mouse over a character.

In the layout given below, we can present content on rollover. On hovering the mouse over each string, information related to that string is displayed. Similarly, we can show a list of items with their images or icons to view the features of a concept. On hovering the mouse over the image or icon, its respective content will be displayed.

The rollover interactivity can also be used to display a note or learn more about a topic. It is most appropriate to display short descriptions. The rollover interactivity can be converted into a click-and-learn interactivity as well. It all depends on how you want to design the interactive element in a course.

Interactivities can also be built within an eLearning course to provide challenges to the learners to think and apply their learning. For example, in a simulation-based course learner can be asked to perform a specific task or in scenario-based question, the learner can choose the most appropriate solution.


While developing eLearning courses, the right amount of interactivity element is essential to achieve a highly engaging course. Selecting or designing a stylish yet appropriate layout while developing an interactive eLearning course will ensure an active, immersive, and engaging experience for your learners. This will help learners in retaining knowledge, increasing motivation, boosting engagement, encouraging self-reflection, handling challenging situations, and making decisions. All this will contribute to an enhanced learning outcome.

Originally published on December 24, 2017