LMS Implementation: 7 Top Tips For A Smooth Transition To Your New LMS
An LMS platform is a significant investment, and you want to make sure that it operates at top efficiency. You also want to verify that your employees will be able to access the online training resources they need. Here are 7 top tips on LMS implementation so that you can develop, deploy, and track online training as quickly as possible.

1. Location, Location, Location
The demographics of your employees are very important.
a. Global Company Locations
Consider creating online training content in multiple languages to encourage learner participation.
b. Remote Access
Employees working from home enjoy using a portal for mandatory online training. This remote access will also allow other employees the choice to participate in online training courses outside regular hours.
c. Mobile Devices
Are employees more likely to participate in online training if they can access it from their mobile phones or tablets? If so, you need to consider multiplatform-friendly online training content that allows for on-the-go learning.
d. Internet Connectivity
Is the Internet speed capable of running a video without buffering problems? Some Learning Management Systems allow you to deliver downloadable online training content that corporate learners can access from anywhere in the globe even if Wi-Fi isn’t an option.
2. Automation
Configuring how the data is stored and accessed will save time in the long run. The process of sending reminders or creating LMS reports is simplified when built-in applications are used properly. User profiles can be divided into various groups depending on internal or external factors. For employees in close proximity, think about dividing the personnel by department, title, pay level, or branch. If the company has multiple sites with different requirements, arrange the profiles based on participant or customer type, product line, or membership level.
A lot of online training initiatives are mandatory, either for orientation or compliance. Setting up automatic enrollments for groups of employees will simplify tracking, email generation for reminders, and compliance reporting. What about career development? Automatic email prompts can be set up based on employee titles.
There are a few other automated areas to consider. Email cascades can be devised for online training due date, almost out of time, and expiration. As an added bonus, self-directed online training can also be set up with reminders. This way, your completion rates will increase.
3. Content Loading
Even if you are ready to launch the LMS, you have to ensure there is a sufficient amount of targeted online training content that’s suitable for learner consumption. Do the online training activities support the desired behaviors and outcomes? Will corporate learners be able to connect with the online training content on a personal level? Is the online training material well-written and interactive? Do you have a variety of content types to choose from?
4. Help Desk FAQs
Once your LMS goes live, who do you call to fix a problem or ask a question? Most people would automatically contact the training department. However, you may be able to remove some of the burden from your IT team by creating an online FAQ. This document can be loaded directly onto the LMS home page so that your corporate learners have quick access. You should also ensure that there is still IT support for more complex issues, just in case. For example, corporate learners are unable to login to the system on their mobile devices.
5. System Beta Test
During the LMS implementation process and before you officially launch your online training course, consider testing the Learning Management System. Form a group of beta testers in a range of professional roles and LMS experience levels. The testers write down all the problems they encounter while using the LMS, accessing online training content, or navigating. Then address all noted problems before the launch.
6. Marketing Plan
Without corporate learners, the Learning Management System will fail. There needs to be a marketing plan in place to generate excitement and willingness to use. Plan the campaign around user benefits. There are a variety of teasers you can adapt for a campaign, such as fliers, bulletins, or emails. You can also incorporate raffles or prizes in a campaign for “Name the LMS” or “Design the Winning Logo”. Consider holding a launch party or try an LMS treasure hunt that forces your employees to explore the system. Make the prize desirable to encourage them to compete for it. Regardless of your online training strategy, involve your corporate learners from the start by giving them ownership of their professional development.
7. Success Measurement
The LMS launch went off without a hitch. Corporate learners seem to be doing well, so the LMS implementation was a success. Right? Well, how do you know? What criteria do you have in place to measure your success? There are a couple indicators you can use to measure success or failure. If you have steady or increased learner participation, it is a good indication that corporate learners are enjoying online training. An increase in completed mandatory training compliance metrics shows a level of learner engagement. Another good indication is through online survey or satisfaction ratings. A good idea for follow-up and improvement is to address all negative remarks from online surveys. These are invaluable resources for improving the overall learner experience.
Buying a new Learning Management System and installing it onto your hard drive is just the beginning. You have to know your user demographics to fully encourage them to use the LMS. Likewise, you must provide your L&D team with all the resources they require to facilitate the LMS implementation process. Try to automate as much as possible to free up valuable time. Finally, get creative when you market the LMS to generate excitement and get corporate learners actively involved in online training.
Do you need a guide that has all the information you need to find the right LMS for your requirements and budget? Download our free eBook How To Buy The Right LMS: The Complete Guide to get tips on how to create an accurate LMS budget and key criteria for choosing the best LMS platform. You’ll also discover the most common hidden fees to consider before investing in an LMS for your organization.