Medical Stock Image Library For eLearning Professionals

Medical Stock Image Library For eLearning Professionals
Summary: eLearning Brothers and Infuse Medical announce the first library subscription of its kind of Medical Stock Images. This means Elearning developers can now download 3D Medical Stock Images so life-like, that they might think they are photographs of actual organs and anatomy.

eLearning Brothers and Infuse Medical Launch Medical Stock Image Library

eLearning Brothers and Infuse Medical announce the first library subscription of its kind of Medical Stock Images. This library subscription is the first eLearning-specific library consisting of high resolution, 3D medical imagery.

It was a natural fit for Infuse Medical and eLearning Brothers to create the world’s first library of stock eLearning medical images,” said Jordan Erickson, President of Infuse Media Group. “eLearning Brothers has the largest eLearning Template Library on the planet, with the highest quality assets. We wanted to make sure that the partner we chose had the same high level of quality we expect from ourselves.

The library includes hundreds of photorealistic 3D stock images of human anatomy, organs, medical environments, anatomical systems, medical equipment, and cellular structures for download. Images are available for preview and can be downloaded with this medical templates link.

Having this unprecedented level of quality of medical imagery available to the eLearning industry will elevate the level of courses developed across the globe,” said Andrew Scivally, Co-Founder of eLearning Brothers. “Elearning developers can download medical stock images so life-like, that they may think they are photographs of actual organs and anatomy.

Hospitals, pharmaceutical and medical device and diagnostic companies, universities, medical clinics, elderly care, and government health care will now have a single point of access to the highest quality eLearning library of Medical Stock Photos at a reasonable price.

To sign up for the Medical Stock Image Library customers can visit:

About Infuse Media Group
Founded in 2007, privately held Infuse Media Group, is the leading producer of media-rich, mobile customer engagements for medical device and diagnostics manufacturers and other healthcare companies. Infuse’s Ether DCP platform provides fly-on-the-wall visibility into 1:1 sales engagements, which leads to more sales conversions.

About eLearning Brothers
eLearning Brothers provides the planet’s largest, most interactive library of assets for rapid eLearning development. eLearning Brothers was founded in 2009 by two brothers who recognized the need to enable Awesome eLearning development with great-looking eLearning templates.

Originally published on July 9, 2014