Paige Yousey, M.S. Ed. is a Continuing Education Content Manager with The Institutes. She collaborates with subject matter experts in the RMI industry to enhance the quality of existing content and create new educational offerings. With a keen eye for innovation, Paige strives to push the boundaries of educational content creation and delivery.
Organizations must adapt training for Generation Z to leverage their tech strengths while addressing critical thinking and communication gaps. This article presents strategies like digital detox, mobile learning, and hands-on workshops for balanced training programs.
Learning together helps us form deeper connections to our educational content. Take a dive into some unique new approaches to make learning more meaningful together.
Creating training sessions that lean too far into staunch professionalism can lead students to feel that learning is not engaging. Learn how to correctly utilize humor to help draw learners into your content and improve learning outcomes.
By fostering a positive mindset towards learning across an organization, learning leaders can encourage employees to reach their full potential and align their company for successful outcomes.
Virtual training leaders often find themselves listening to a familiar chorus of complaints, like a broken record stuck on repeat. Let's explore some common complaints and potential solutions that can enhance the effectiveness of virtual training sessions.