The MVPs Of Learning: How A Microlearning Solution And Sports Are Alike

How A Microlearning Solution Can Change The Training Game
Dilok Klaisataporn/
Summary: Microlearning solutions can take many forms, including interactive videos, quizzes, games, simulations, and more, and are often personalized to meet the specific learning needs of individual users.

How A Microlearning Solution Can Change The Game

What is microlearning? Microlearning is a learning approach that breaks down new information into small, easily digestible chunks. These bite-sized sessions typically take under ten minutes to complete and can even be as short as one minute.

What Is The Microlearning Theory?

Microlearning theory is based on the pioneering research of Hermann Ebbinghaus, who in the mid-1880s developed a scientific approach to studying memory and introduced concepts like the learning curve and the forgetting curve. Ebbinghaus studied the capabilities and function of memory in his subjects and discovered that memory does not stay consistent throughout trials, and can increase, decrease, and fluctuate many times. This led to his groundbreaking work on the forgetting curve, which revealed how quickly we forget information if we don't actively retain it.

Moreover, Ebbinghaus discovered the concept of memory savings, which refers to knowledge that is retained even after a significant time without using it. He found that strictly memorized information can be recalled much more easily after learning it again, even after a long time. These insights form the basis of the microlearning theory, which emphasizes learning in small, easily digestible chunks to maximize retention and minimize forgetting.

  1. People typically lose 80% of the knowledge they learn within a month.
  2. Learning large amounts of information does retain for a certain amount of time, but if that information isn't considered "crucial," the knowledge tends to degrade over time.
  3. The microlearning concept can be used to tackle this issue.
  4. Splitting the content into small pieces can help improve knowledge retention and productivity.
  5. Recalling different parts of the content over time can also contribute to better retention.

What Are The Benefits Of Microlearning Solutions?

Each microlearning course targets one specific item, eliminating the need for employees to sift through a large course to find the information they actually need. Other benefits of a microlearning solution include:

1. Saves Time

The #1 reason employees often avoid engaging in workplace learning is because they don’t have the time. A microlearning solution provides a quick, efficient way to learn new skills and information, with sessions typically taking under 10 minutes. With less time needed for training, employees can still learn extra skills for their jobs, without sacrificing valuable work time.

2. Increases Learner Engagement

Long learning sessions can be difficult to remain engaged in, even for people with great attention spans. A microlearning solution provides bite-sized, easily digestible modules that cater to shorter periods of engagement. This way, employees can stay engaged with new information, leading to improved learning outcomes.

3. Improves Knowledge Retention

A microlearning solution provides targeted learning focused on specific skills or concepts, improving the ability of employees to remember what they learn. By breaking down complex information into smaller pieces and recalling different parts of the content over time, it can help improve knowledge retention and productivity.

4. Enables Learning On The Go

A microlearning solution is accessible on any device, not just computers, making it easy for employees to learn on the go. Short, bite-sized lessons make it easy to fit into a busy schedule and learn nearly anywhere, anytime.

5. Supports Self-Paced Learning

A microlearning solution allows employees to learn at their own pace, whether it’s a subject they excel in or one they need more time to master. Employees can review specific pieces of information without delaying the rest of the learning course, allowing for flexible and personalized learning paths.

6. Enables Personalized Learning

A microlearning solution allows you to construct your learning paths with short, informative pieces of learning, which are specifically relevant to the employee’s role. It makes it easier to recommend different pieces for different roles, enabling even more flexibility and personalized learning paths.

Microlearning Solutions Challenges

  1. Content development requires effort
    Developing effective microlearning content requires time and resources, especially for subjects that require a deep understanding. The content must be well-researched, well-designed, and well-delivered, which can be a challenge.
  2. Maintaining content can be time-consuming
    Like any learning solution, a microlearning solution needs to be updated and refreshed regularly. This requires ongoing maintenance efforts to ensure the content remains relevant and accurate, which can be time-consuming.
  3. Technical constraints
    Implementing a microlearning solution requires specific technology, such as a mobile app or a specific Learning Management System, which can limit their accessibility and usability.
  4. Balancing depth and breadth
    Microlearning is designed to deliver information in short bursts, which can make it challenging to balance the depth of information with the breadth of topics covered.
  5. Measuring effectiveness
    While microlearning can be effective in delivering specific pieces of information, it can be challenging to measure its overall effectiveness and impact on employee performance.

How Microlearning And Sports Are Alike

Overall, microlearning and sports share several key similarities, including a focus on small but consistent actions, an emphasis on mastery, immediate feedback, goal orientation, practice, and continuous improvement. By adopting these principles, learners can effectively build their skills and achieve their goals in a way that is similar to how athletes approach their sport.

How A Microlearning Solution Can Change The Training Game

1. Focus On Small But Consistent Actions

Microlearning and sports both prioritize the importance of taking small and consistent actions toward a larger goal. Just as a sports team must consistently train and practice in order to improve, microlearning encourages individuals to learn in small, manageable increments.

A basketball player may spend a few minutes each day practicing their free throws, while a learner may watch a short video or complete a quick quiz to reinforce a specific concept.

2. Emphasis On Mastery

Both microlearning and sports place an emphasis on mastering skills and concepts. In sports, athletes aim to perfect their technique and develop a deep understanding of the game. Similarly, a microlearning solution emphasizes the mastery of specific knowledge or skills through repetition and reinforcement.

A tennis player may practice their backhand stroke over and over again until it becomes second nature, while a learner may repeatedly review key vocabulary terms until they can recall them easily.

3. Immediate Feedback

Feedback is crucial in both microlearning and sports. In sports, coaches and teammates provide immediate feedback on an athlete's performance, allowing them to identify areas for improvement. Similarly, a microlearning solution often incorporates immediate feedback, such as quizzes or assessments, to help learners identify knowledge gaps and make necessary adjustments.

A soccer player may receive feedback from their coach on their positioning during a game, while a learner may receive instant feedback on a quiz question they answered incorrectly.

4. Goal-Oriented

Both microlearning and sports are goal-oriented. In sports, athletes set goals for themselves, such as improving their speed or endurance. Similarly, microlearning encourages learners to set goals for themselves, such as mastering a specific skill or completing a course.

A track and field athlete may set a goal to improve their 100-meter sprint time, while a learner may set a goal to complete a microlearning module within a specific timeframe.

5. Practice Makes Perfect

Just as practice is essential in sports, a microlearning solution also places a strong emphasis on practice. By practicing consistently and repeatedly, learners can reinforce their knowledge and build their skills over time.

A golfer may practice their swing for hours each week in order to improve their technique, while a learner may repeat an activity or review material multiple times to solidify their understanding.

6. Continuous Improvement

Finally, both microlearning and sports encourage continuous improvement. In sports, athletes strive to continuously improve their performance and reach new levels of excellence. Similarly, microlearning promotes lifelong learning and encourages individuals to constantly seek out new knowledge and skills.

A basketball player may work on improving their ball-handling skills throughout their career, while a learner may take additional microlearning courses to expand their knowledge in a particular area.

Microlearning Examples

There are various formats and techniques that can be used in microlearning. Here are 10 examples you could consider to leverage a microlearning solution:

How A Microlearning Solution Can Change The Training Game

How To Create A Microlearning Course

Microlearning is more focused on the delivery method than the content itself. However, the content should align with specific key concepts, such as single-outcome learning objectives and chunking, which we will discuss in this section. Therefore, this guide will cover how to create microlearning courses or modules in six simple steps.

Step 1: Choose A Focused Topic

The first step in creating a microlearning solution is to research and choose a narrow topic. The more focused your topic, the easier it will be to create learner-focused, outcome-driven content. However, it's important not to rush into the topic selection process. To ensure a worthwhile Return On Investment for your microlearning solution, put yourself in your trainees' shoes to ensure that the subject matter aligns with their specific roles within your organization. By doing so, you can maximize the perceived value of the training and increase overall engagement.

Step 2: Understand Your Audience

When creating a microlearning solution, it's essential to consider your audience. Once you've chosen your topic, narrow down your audience based on which colleagues or team members will find the content most useful. Understanding your audience's specific needs and preferences can help you create a more effective and engaging microlearning solution.

Step 3: Identify A Singular Learning Outcome

Determining a singular learning outcome is a critical step in creating an effective microlearning solution. Learning outcomes define the specific skills that learners will acquire through your course. This step is second only to understanding your audience because learning outcomes should be driven by the learners' needs, not your own goals. Failing to correctly understand your audience may result in missing the mark when it comes to developing learning objectives.

Step 4: Develop And Chunk Your Content

Once you have identified your clear learning outcomes, it's time to create and organize your content for your microlearning solution. Brainstorm and flesh out your ideas to develop sufficient talking points. Then, organize these talking points into an outline for your microlearning course. To maximize the effectiveness of your microlearning solution, practice "chunking" your content. This involves dividing your content into sections, breaking each section down to its "atomic state" to ensure that it cannot be logically broken down any further. This approach helps to simplify complex topics and improve learner retention.

Step 5: Build Your Microlearning Solution

With the planning and content development process completed, it's time to start building your microlearning solution. You'll need authoring software to bring all the content together effectively. Fortunately, several tools allow you to create a microlearning solution without a single line of code, making it a straightforward and quick process. In just a matter of minutes, you can create a professional-looking microlearning solution that engages your learners and achieves your learning outcomes.

Step 6: Distribute Your Microlearning Solution Via A Platform

Once your microlearning solution is complete, and you're happy with the final product, it's time to distribute it to your audience. Consider distributing a pilot version to a test audience to work out any kinks and unforeseen issues before launching it to a wider audience. Many companies prefer to deliver microlearning training through a dedicated microlearning platform or Learning Management System (LMS) that provides numerous benefits. With a microlearning platform, you can automate the training process by uploading your microlearning solution to the platform, assigning it to your learners, and tracking their progress and results.


Great job on making it to the end of this article! Your attention span has proved to be long enough (despite the common misconception about attention spans and goldfish memory)! It's important to remember that while microlearning can be a valuable approach, it's not always the best option. Some types of learning require dedicated time and effort to truly stick. To ensure the success of any digital learning project, it's essential to focus on the goals and tailor the solutions to meet the needs of the audience.

eBook Release: Thinkdom
Dealing with various outsourcing vendors can be a hassle and drain resources. Thinkdom Learning Solutions streamlines the process by providing engaging and cost-effective solutions for all your online training needs in one place.
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