New Report on e-Learning Market Trends and Forecast 2014 - 2016 just released

Summary: Latest research reveals facts you probably don’t know about the Global e-Learning Market. This research analyzes the global value of e-Learning, market trends and predictions by continent and sector, and tells you why it is important to embrace innovative training strategies to serve corporate objectives.

Yesterday I read a new report on e-Learning Market Trends and Forecast 2014 - 2016 released by Docebo, which provides a detailed segmentation on business opportunities in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. The research is backed up with facts and figures top trends, topics and predictions for each area, and gives a comprehensive overview on the international e-Learning Market.e-Learning: the largest and fastest growing market segment in the HR space

The adoption of the SaaS model is playing a pivotal role in reshaping the entire industry and has a huge influence on increasing the e-Learning market size. Analyst reports show evidence of SaaS Industry growth and this trend will continue for at least the next three years.

There are 3 common reasons for seeing this upswing in SaaS

  1. Speed of implementation
  2. Savings on capital expenditures
  3. Savings on operational expenses

e-Learning breakthroughIt is important to remember that the e-Learning industry today is based on three pillars:

  1. Content
  2. Distribution of content
  3. e-Learning platforms

Even if the e-Learning market is still considered a “niche” segment within different HR macro segments it is subjected, in both a positive and negative manner, to the influences of sales trends related to smart devices and the increasing spread of the Internet access globally.Other opportunities come from Smartphone devices, considered valuable assets that help improve work productivity, and the concept of Mobile Learning, and ultimately ‘BYOD’ (Bring your own device) a slower trend, but one that will be ongoing for some time.A Breakthrough… without borders!The SaaS Business Model is increasingly present in educational reform, and technology plays a significant role in presenting a key opportunity for education suppliers globally. The report offers valuable insight in a dynamic and important sector. If we look at the numbers, we can see:

  • The worldwide market for self-paced e-Learning reached $35.6 billion in 2011.
  • The five-year compound annual growth rate is estimated at around 7.6% and revenues will reach $51.5 billion by 2016.
  • While the aggregate growth rate is 7.6%, several regions have significantly higher growth rates.
  • According to recent regional studies, the highest growth rate is in Asia at 17.3%, followed by Eastern Europe, Africa, and Latin America at 16.9%, 15.2%, and 14.6%, respectively.

The state of business in Education This report highlights the market opportunities in Education, and provides readers with an in-depth analysis into the market, figures and statistics, and commentary on growth segmented per continent.VCs are heavily investing in Education so the e-Learning segment is healthy. Many universities entered the e-Learning marketplace using non-profit models, leveraging their knowledge in the traditional classroom and applying it to the e-Learning environment. The MOOC market (Massive Open Online Courses) has exploded. Not only is there a proliferation of courses, there is now an expansion of MOOC platform providers and tools.I highly encourage you to read the new report on e-Learning Market Trends and Forecast 2014 - 2016 and discover:

  • Why a company should invest in Learning Management Systems
  • How e-Learning is triggering company growth
  • How Cloud Technologies fuel growth in global software

Last but not least you are more than welcome to share with me your thoughts by leaving a comment!

Originally published on March 18, 2014