6 Reasons To Use On-Demand Training For Compliance

6 Reasons To Use On-Demand Training For Compliance
Alexander Supertramp/Shutterstock.com
Summary: Compliance training is serious business, and it matters how you deliver it. On-demand learning is one of the strongest strategies for meeting your compliance targets.

Using On-Demand Training In Your Learning Strategy

On-the-job training has been with us ever since the beginning of work itself, in one form or another. It has evolved from simple, in-person demonstrations of tasks into more abstract forms like academic education, Instructor-Led workplace training, eLearning, and microlearning. One of the most effective methodologies today is on-demand learning.

What is on-demand learning? It’s a highly targeted style of web-based training or eLearning, that is accessible to learners anytime and anywhere they care to take it. It’s typically designed to focus on specific tasks and can come in many different forms. One extremely popular form is the 3-minute instructional YouTube video. Need to replace a headlight on your car? Don’t bother visiting the mechanic—just do a quick Google search, bring your smartphone out to the garage, and get it done. Just don’t drop your phone into the engine, or you’ll need to watch another video to learn how to get it out.

On-demand learning is especially valuable in the realm of compliance training. In many industries, compliance training is absolutely critical to a company’s health and continued existence, so learners can’t waste time on training that doesn’t support them. Here are 6 reasons you should incorporate on-demand learning into your compliance training strategy:

1. It Meets The Learner Where They Are

Many people do their work out in the field. If your job is to conduct safety audits of manufacturing facilities, you need to be sure you’re following regulations to a T. Classroom training, even with a detailed accompanying manual, is a weak way to prepare for this. It’s easy to forget complex workflows and get lost in the manual. With on-demand training on your mobile device, you’ll be sure to maintain compliance in the best possible way.

2. It Fits In With The Learner’s Schedule

Group training sessions can be disruptive for people who are already working hard. If training is scheduled at just the wrong time, workers will have to choose between missing required training and missing a project deadline. On-demand training gives them a chance to fit everything in without making sacrifices.

3. Managers Can Place It In The Right Context

Corporate training is usually targeted to the right group of employees, but not everyone encounters the same on-the-job challenges at the same time. When training is broken down into highly specific bites, managers can deploy it to the right people right and avoid wasting time on irrelevant material. This results in better compliance with regulations.

4. It’s Asynchronous

The way we communicate is changing, and one of the fundamental aspects of this is a shift from synchronous communication toward asynchronous communication. Instead of talking on the phone, we text. Instead of meeting in person, we send emails back and forth. This might feel like an impersonal way to get along, but it works because it allows us to think carefully each time we respond to an idea. As a result, the overall quality of communication is raised. And, it’s quickly becoming the norm.

The analogue in corporate training is a shift from group training sessions to on-demand learning. When you take a unit of training on your own time, you can more fully contemplate how it fits into your work duties before moving on to the next one.

5. Learners Will Retain Information Better

Compliance often involves the tricky task of making small alterations to long-established procedures. Classroom-based training, isolated as it is from the time and location where these procedures take place, is an inefficient and error-prone way to affect this kind of behavioral change. On-demand learning puts the training with their flow of work, ensuring that they retain the new procedures in the most reliable way.

6. It’s More Likely To Be Completed

Medicine is easier to take in small doses. When you deploy a 5-hour course with a tight deadline to your employees, don’t be surprised if some of them fail to finish it. Small training units that employees can complete on their own time, or even take home, are much easier to swallow.

When you need to improve regulatory compliance, a comprehensive training program is often the best solution. But, when you’re considering the design of that training, keep in mind that some formats work better than others. On-demand learning is an approach you can count on to meet your compliance targets in the most effective way.

eBook Release: AllenComm
The experts at AllenComm solve business problems with beautiful custom learning solutions. We bring creativity into instructional design. We change behaviors and influence choices. We build better training.