Turning Yourself Into A Mathematician: What Online Math Tools And Services You Should Look Into
It was not supposed to happen but, for some reason, it did. Your school years are now long gone and you did not become an artist or a rock star yet, but let us say you became an internet marketer and now you need Math. In today’s article, you will learn about the tools and services you can leverage to master math.
Why Is Mathematics So Scary?
When it comes to things you do not really understand, there is little to enjoy. However, people are particularly afraid of Mathematics. And it is not because your Algebra teacher was too formidable. Mathematical anxiety is a phenomenon that scientists have explored today. But the good news is that the mathematical anxiety hardly correlates with a person’s IQ.
What Do We Know About The Ability To Learn Math
At some point, you might have said to yourself: "I do not have the abilities to learn Mathematics." Most scientists will agree with you, but only because the existence of innate abilities to learn Math has not been proven in principle. Researchers have been trying for years to learn about the inheritance of this skill. As of today, one of the most high-profile studies were conducted at the University of Pittsburgh. They proved that there is a connection between the abilities to learn Mathematics in children and their parents and it lies not only in genetics, but also in social factors. In addition to the ability to master Mathematics, there is a mathematical feeling and it is inherited. It is thanks to it that we determine the smallest line without having to count the number of people standing in it.
Scientists compared how children aged between six months to three and a half years perceive numbers and the number of objects. It turned out that the kids who showed the best mathematical abilities at an early age also showed good results three years later. Interestingly, the overall level of development did not correlate with the mathematical abilities.
Another group of researchers checked whether it is possible to develop mathematical abilities and learn how to work with figures in adulthood. It turned out that it is possible and you do not have to be genetically dispositioned to do that.
How To Learn Mathematics In Adulthood: Useful Resources, Apps, And Services
First, decide what you need Math for (quick calculations, understanding of mathematical functions, etc.), what topics you need to cover, and how will you know that you have reached your goal.
Below, we present to you some tools such as basic Math courses online, apps, and services you can leverage to conquer Mathematics.
WolframAlpha is a knowledge base and a set of computational algorithms launched on May 15, 2009.
Mathematical capabilities of Wolfram Alfa are quite extensive. Not only does the mobile application can provide answers to such questions as "what is the cosine of 2", but also it can successfully deal with solving (system) equations and define the number and geometric figure properties. Through Wolfram Alfa, you can carry out a number of trigonometric functions as well as be engaged in various mathematical operations. If you are aware of how to type some mathematical formulas, you can use Wolfram Alfa as a personal tutor when studying higher Mathematics.
PhotoMath is a smart calculator camera, equipped with algorithms for solving tasks from the school curriculum and the higher Math course:
- The user simply turns on the application and points the smartphone's camera at the task.
- After a few seconds, not only the correct answer appears on the screen, but also a detailed solution.
PhotoMath In Action: With this application, you can simply photograph a task or enter it using a virtual keyboard.
The programs you can solve:
- Arithmetic tasks such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
- Tasks with fractions and floating commas.
- Tasks with various systems of calculation: decimal, binary, etc.
- Linear algorithms, functions, and logarithms.
- Complex problems associated with trigonometry.
A program for solving mathematical tasks with step-by-step description and graphical representation. It generates random mathematical problems in several categories and levels of complexity.
MathGames is an excellent Math simulator. Your personal page displays all the statistics about the work done: the time spent on each task as well as your results. It is very convenient to use the service because it gives lists of tasks either by grade or by topic.
Buzzmath is a simulator with some great Math tasks! If you surf the service simply as a visitor, you can practice for free. The only downside is that your progress will not be saved.
IXL is an excellent service for learning Mathematics. This service requires a paid registration but even if you do not register, you can take a limited number of assignments every day.
Online Courses
Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization that operates mainly through donations from Google and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The site specializes in Math courses. The thing is that the founder of the academy, Salman Khan, at first did not intend to create a training platform but wanted to help his cousins with Math homework. He was so pleased to explain the material, that Salman began to shoot training videos and upload them on YouTube. As a result, these videos were watched by millions of people around the world. Bill Gates also became interested in them and donated a large sum of money to create and develop a training platform.
OpenLearning is an Australian distance-learning project, which was founded by the University of New South Wales. The main difference of this site is that it positions itself not only as a training platform but also as a social network for those wishing to receive knowledge in various subjects including Mathematics.
Future Learn is a British project that cooperates with more than 50 partners from the UK. On the site, you can find online Math courses and also courses on such disciplines as jurisprudence, literature, technology, politics, education, and teaching technologies.
A Few Tips On How To Achieve Good Results
- Move gradually
Start with basic things. For example, learn how to operate with prime numbers, learn how to calculate the sum of natural numbers, and so on. - Have the theory, reference book and a task book at hand
The theory will help you acquire knowledge, a reference book - refresh your knowledge, find the right formula, and the task book will help you practice things that you have studied. - Do not be afraid if something is not clear
This is absolutely natural. If you do not understand some sentence, wording, then try to reread it, and split it into pieces. In case it does not help, post your question on some forum. - Apply the acquired knowledge in practice
Our brain tends to forget some things gradually. Therefore, you should revise certain topics after you have covered them. Think up some tasks for yourself and solve them. - Make calculations yourself without using a calculator
Of course, it sounds a little impractical, but, believe us, it will definitely help you. - Take breaks
Having covered some topic, chapter, section, pause, and check your knowledge.