5 Main Reasons Why Instructional Design Matters In eLearning

Why Instructional Design Matters in eLearning
Andrew Krasovitckii/Shutterstock.com
Summary: Instructional Design is one of the most vital aspects of eLearning, and without it, eLearning would be just text on a screen. It is the systematic practice of designing and developing instructional experiences similar to those of instructors. ID is meant to aid in delivering a better learning experience for learners.

Why Instructional Design Matters In eLearning

The process usually involves knowing the learners' state of mind, what they need, and assisting them by delivering engaging and effective training that meets their requirements. The assistance can come in several ways, including a well-developed course, interactive elements, and assessments. So, let's talk about why Instructional Designs are vital to the eLearning industry.

1. Good Instructional Design Helps Learners Retain Knowledge

No doubt, good Instructional Design helps guide learners toward achieving the learning goals of a course. Apart from that, it also helps them to acquire and retain knowledge. The way visual graphics are presented in an online course can have a great impact on learners' retaining ability. It can help learners connect the information to prior mental strategies of learning. Research has it that the human brain tends to recall information more often through images, charts, and infographics than through text. Therefore, integrating infographics, images, and videos into your eLearning can help retain knowledge.

2. Good Instructional Design Makes Learners Engage

One of the roles of an Instructional Designer is to make a thorough analysis of their learners before creating their online courses. This enables them to create learning activities that are relevant, engaging and appealing to the learner. Also, a designer's understanding of their target audience is essential, in order to know their retention ability and what visual mix motivates them to learn. This will help them to know exactly the kind of learning design that suits the learners' needs, hence using their skills to create an engaging learning experience.

3. A Good User Experience Contributes To The Achievement Of Learning Goals

One of the most important aspects of Instructional Design to consider during custom eLearning development is the User Experience (UX). It defines how accessible an eLearning course is, and this has a direct impact on the learners' level of engagement. A better UX design is vital in eLearning, as learners tend to lose the main goal of the course if it is not engaging. Also, with a bad UX design, learners tend to be distracted from achieving the aim of the course. For instance, not properly choosing a compelling color for your design will end up distracting and confusing your learners.

4. Good Instructional Design Helps To Communicate Messages

One thing about good design is its ability to communicate a message perfectly and directly to learners. Good Instructional Design is more than just decorations, it involves effective communication which helps learners to achieve learning goals. Designs are great if the mind is put in action with good intentions and choices. However, that is not enough, as there must also be a story behind every design. The story, together with a good design, ensures that you are passing the right message across to your learners. All in all, every Instructional Designer should have good intentions. For example, either changing the learners' behavior, educating them, or something else.

5. Good Instructional Designs Trigger Learners To Take Action

One of the reasons why good design matters in eLearning is because it helps to inspire learners to act and achieve more than expected. So, the role of the designer is to come up with inspiring designs that help motivate learners to acquire more knowledge. Inspiring designs can be difficult, however, you can achieve them if you have a better understanding of your target audience.

In Conclusion

Instructional Design is very essential in learning, and without it, there would be no engagement, only text. Also, nothing beats having your learners stay engaged throughout your course and achieving your learning goal. One secret to engaging your learners is by analyzing them to know what they need, and by putting nice designs in place to meet the requirements. Choose the right Instructional Design software, like Wizcabin, which will help you save time and money to create engaging training for your learners.

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Cloud-based automated elearning course authoring software to create beautiful interactive elearning courses automatically from simple storyboard. Save up to 70% time to produce device friendly, interactive elearning courses.
Originally published on November 7, 2019