Learning Management Systems

Here you can find the top articles about Learning Management Systems, their benefits, concepts, features and many more from the best eLearning authors. See more

September 11, 2015

Rise Of Remote Working And How A Startup Used A Learning Management System To Train The Employees

Amid different practices followed by companies to ensure a healthy work culture, work from home is one that’s gaining fast attention. Embedding trust and flexibility in the process, organizations have started to include remote working in their work cycle. But what about other areas of working such as training the employees? How can a Learning Management System (LMS) help in the learning and developing the skills of the scattered segment of remote workers? This article focuses on how a startup relied over a Learning Management System to meet the training and knowledge transfer requirements.
by Srilakshmi Janardanan
August 26, 2015

The Insider's Guide To Learning Management Systems' Pricing Models

A Learning Management System is an invaluable tool of the eLearning trade. It organizes, stores, and delivers your eLearning course materials, and that's just the tip of the Instructional Design iceberg; which is why choosing an LMS that offers the right features at the right price is essential. In this article, I will discuss Learning Management Systems’ pricing models to help you determine which solution is a good match for you and your budget.
by Christopher Pappas
June 3, 2015

Personalizing Your eLearning Program Using An LMS

Ideally each training experience should be unique. On the one hand everyone likes to learn in a different way, as some people have a tendency to learn better when exposed to images, whilst others might prefer text or videos; on the other hand also companies have specific and unique needs that differ depending on their business goals. Read more to learn how to personalize your eLearning program using an LMS.
by Dario De Angelis
May 26, 2015

11 Moodle Plugins For A Corporate Moodle

Almost a year and a half ago, our little internal training team introduced our colleagues to the new corporate learning management system (LMS). The LMS is a modified Moodle installation. At the time it was version 2.4, and we have since upgraded to 2.8. Typically, K-12 and higher ed institutions use Moodle as an online platform for learning. With a little tweaking, the software can work well in the corporate world, too.
by Heather MacCorkle Edick