More Than Training, Prt 1: TalentLMS For Employee Onboarding And Much More

More Than Training, Prt 1: TalentLMS For Employee Onboarding And Much More
Summary: They say that creativity is often exhibited when someone takes an object and figures out other uses for it, which the creator had not anticipated or imagined. The same certainly holds true for software. We'd like to share some creative ways to use TalentLMS for employee onboarding, knowledge retention, and eCommerce. Have a look!

Using TalentLMS For Employee Onboarding, Knowledge Retention, And eCommerce 

LMS, short for Learning Management System, kind of gives the game away: TalentLMS is a learning platform. It’s not only that, though -- and if you have been thinking of TalentLMS (and LMS platforms in general) as software strictly meant for employee or academic training, it’s time to re-evaluate, as it is much more than that. In this article, we are going to examine 5 uses cases for TalentLMS that are not directly related to corporate training, starting with using TalentLMS for employee onboarding.

Employee Onboarding Using Learning Management Systems

Onboarding is all about getting your new hires up to speed, so they can be as productive as possible, as fast as possible.

Of course, getting them "up to speed" sometimes means that they will need to complete some training courses (which TalentLMS is great at), but it also involves a lot of other stuff that’s unrelated to any specific workplace skill.

Those other things are called "Employee Onboarding", and include such things as introducing you new employees to their new workplace, telling them more about their roles and responsibilities, ensuring they know the history and understand the culture of the company, and, last but not least, getting them to read about professional ethics, sexual harassment laws, environmental and industry guidelines, etc.

A Learning Management System is perfect for employee onboarding, letting you not only show those things to your new hires with rich multimedia content but also test them to see how well they absorbed your onboarding material.

Knowledge Retention With Your LMS

Some business knowledge resides only in the minds of your employees. We’re talking about all those things they’ve learned by experience, everything they were taught by some senior mentor, or stuff they came up with on their own (such as tricks to speed up certain workflows).

When those employees leave your company or retire, they take those precious bits of knowledge with them. Heck, they take them with them even when they are merely on vacation -- and you can only hope that this knowledge doesn’t concern anything important -- business-wise -- that you’ll need when they are in Paris or Hawaii.

TalentLMS allows you to store all this information in a structured, re-usable, easily editable, and manageable manner.

"Why not just put it on a Content Management System (CMS)?", you might ask.

Well, you could. But TalentLMS not only offers you these options (document creation, editing and management), but also gives you the ability to use the material to train new employees, create tests based on it, etc, thus turning it from passive knowledge on some CMS that nobody will bother to check, to active training content which you can directly assign to a number of your employees and check their progress.

eCommerce And The Learning Management System

While TalentLMS is focused on corporate training, it also has all the necessary tools for running your own commercial eLearning portal, from support for several payment solutions, to a reseller friendly, pay-as-you-grow-your-userbase, pricing tier (a.k.a "pay-only-for-what-you-use").

Besides a few added options (which we’ll get to in a second), nothing changes when using TalentLMS for corporate training vs eCommerce. No special account and no different user interface to worry about. When you use TalentLMS for eCommerce, you have access to all the same tools and organizational features that enterprise LMS administrators do.

In fact, you can even combine the two, offering paid-for corporate training -- e.g. as a third party learning provider that caters to enterprises with specialized courses, or as a company that sells training packages to its customers (something quite common to the enterprise space, where a company like IBM is paid to teach its customers how to use its products).

eCommerce is also a turn-key thing with TalentLMS, as your account already comes with PayPal and Stripe integration baked in -- all you need is to add your basic info and you’re good to go.

The other main configuration you’ll need to do (one which we couldn’t automate for obvious reasons) is to set the prices for the courses you want to sell, and whether you want to sell single courses or subscriptions (where users pay a monthly fee to access all of your available courses).

Last, but not least, TalentLMS lets you offer special discounts (across your learning store), special offers to specific users, and even custom sales bundles.

A Learning Management System Is Not A Tool - It’s A Toolbox

TalentLMS’ focus is on corporate training, but it’s hardly its sole competency. It’s an equally capable tool for many other use cases, including employee onboarding, eLearning commerce, and knowledge retention.

And that’s not even all of it -- next week we are gonna go through a few more uses cases, where Learning Management Systems in general, and TalentLMS in particular shines.

eBook Release: TalentLMS
Easy to learn, easy to use, and easy to like, TalentLMS is designed to get a “yes” from everyone, including C-level execs, budget heads, and busy employees. Now, instead of checking out, your whole organization leans into training.