Rapid eLearning

May 8, 2023 | Sponsored

The Rapid eLearning Implementation Toolkit

In today's rapidly changing business environment, employee training and development are essential for organizations to stay competitive. However, traditional training methods can be time-consuming, costly, and ineffective. The solution to these challenges is rapid eLearning – which provides a scalable, creative, timely approach to employee training and development.
by Dr. RK Prasad
April 18, 2023 | Sponsored

Rapid eLearning Services And Outsourcing: Go À La Carte

What makes for learner-centric eLearning? Think for a minute. If your answer is a course that focuses on the right learning objectives, you are only partially right. There’s a lot, including authoring tools for development and eLearning project management. What has this to do with rapid eLearning and outsourcing? Well, think again!
by Dr. RK Prasad
April 4, 2023 | Sponsored

The Great Shift In L&D And Rapid eLearning

Do you not think that the world has changed permanently since the pandemic? As a result of the new working world, organizations are experiencing astounding changes in various functions. Organizations have changed, the way they work has changed, and so have their employees. The future of workplace learning has arrived. And so has rapid eLearning. Let’s understand the reasons.
by Dr. RK Prasad