Drop Out Rates

Specify and recognize the term Drop Out Rates. How is this involved in eLearning design and development? Find out at eLearning Industry.

September 1, 2015

7 Tips To Expand Your eLearning Participation Rates

So your latest eLearning course has been released to the organization amid much anticipation and excitement. All of the time and energy that went into developing this new training will now finally begin to pay dividends. However, the hoped-for participation and interest on the part of the workforce just never materialized. What went wrong? Is the course too long? Is it too difficult? Maybe our research into the type of training the employees want was off. Whatever the explanation, this is often the fate of new eLearning initiatives. But it doesn’t have to be. Check 7 ways in which you can expand your eLearning participation rates.
by Andrew Hughes
May 1, 2015

Get Them Hooked: 6 Tips To Improve Learner Retention In eLearning Courses And Avoid Drop-Outs

There are few things as frustrating as spending countless hours developing an eLearning course and investing an abundance of resources, only to find that learner retention rates are falling short of expectations. In this article, I’ll share 6 tips you can use to direct learners’ attention in eLearning, so you can improve learner retention in eLearning and avoid drop-outs in order to ensure the success of your eLearning deliverable.
by Christopher Pappas
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