Educational Technology Tools

Educational Technology Tools and eLearning go hand in hand. Best practices, tips and ways for using Educational Technology Tools. Visit eLearning Industry to find all the newest articles about Educational Technology Tools, written by our top eLearning authors.

August 10, 2016

9 Ways To Use Social Networks In eLearning

In the fast changing world of technology we rarely acknowledge that eLearning is also present in the natural process of mastering new ways of communication via complex social platforms. This article explores the handy opportunities to optimize learning by using social networks in eLearning courses.
by Lily Wilson
July 17, 2016

4 Benefits Of Learning Programming At A Young Age

Computer coding is the universal language of the planet. People who know how to code will be able to communicate across countries and cultures, be innovative, and solve problems more efficiently, with no barriers to impede their success. Learning programming at a young age helps your children solve everyday problems and get set up for a lifetime of opportunities.
by John Porter
July 15, 2016

6 Best Mind Mapping Tools For Creative Students

Have you ever mind mapped before? If you haven’t, you’ve been missing out. Mind mapping tools are easy to use and yet they can really help you map out new ideas, explore concepts in more detail than you ever have before, and find holes in plans before you’ve gone so far that you can’t correct them.
by Elaina Meiser
June 11, 2016

3 Ways Of Facilitating Students Of The Digital Age

Students of the digital age are reaping the innumerable benefits of being able to access online content and collaborate online, yet schools, and more specifically teachers, are not taking full advantage of implementing new technology. This article explores the possibilities.
by Vikas Rana