Educational Technology Trends

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February 24, 2021

What Is Technology For Learning?

People are confused about the many synonymous technology terms heard in education circles. Definitions are given with a review of evidence regarding use in supporting learning differently. The 2020 pandemic has brought technology to the fore for continuing learning in lockdown situations.
by Rosie Sage
February 20, 2021

Is Technology A Blessing Or A Curse For Learning?—Part 1

This article looks at both the teacher and student experience of technology in learning. The 2020 pandemic has brought close scrutiny of new technologies introduced to make learning still possible during the lockdowns. A blend of tradition and new approaches are well received by those involved.
by Rosie Sage
December 31, 2020

The Human Machine Interface

Constructing a machine to attain or outstrip human intelligence is presently beyond technology. Throughout the intelligent machine system cycle, safe use is vital now they are acting as teachers, coaches, and companions. Many ethical questions arise about personal agency. Who are we?
by Rosemary Sage