Higher Education Trends

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November 12, 2013

What Is The New Role Of A School Library In The Digital Age?

Paper books are still very ubiquitous and a very important learning tool. The same is true for paper magazines. Yet digital books and digital magazines are getting ever so popular and are here to stay. What will the function of a school library and a school librarian be in this ongoing digitalization of learning resources?
by Ron Leunissen
October 26, 2013

Just Remember: PC GAMES For Effective Written Feedback

The purpose of this article is three-fold: (a) to define written feedback and identify the benefits of effective written feedback (b) to identify the components of an effective written feedback, and (c) to provide an acronym that reminds instructors of the importance of giving effective written feedback for their students.
by Dorothy Kropf
January 21, 2013

Pros And Cons Of Campus Learning Vs Online Learning

To figure out which method suits you the best, offer each room instruction and on-line learning a attempt. Colleges typically provide associate orientation or demo of a web course to convey you a concept of what to expect. Eventually, you have to select the model that suits your purpose. There’s no vogue that's excellent for one and every one. Teaching designs can persist adapting to student desires.
by Jason Gaya