Instructional Design Tips

Instructional Design Tips, models, theories, trends, pitfalls, infographics and anything you need to know, written from our Instructional Design experts. Share our resources or submit your article!

May 22, 2013

Memory: Types, Facts, and Myths

Would you like to know the types of memory? What are the characteristics and operations of short-term and long-term memory? What is working memory? Sure you do if you are involved at the eLearning field! Last but not least, at this post I will present you 7 Memory Mythbusters!
by Christopher Pappas
April 11, 2013

How To Use Analogies In eLearning

Analogies play an important role in the learning process, yet very few eLearning courses use analogies to help learners grasp new information. Would you like to know how to use Analogies in eLearning?
by Parker Grant
March 27, 2013

Tell, Show, Do, Apply: The Anatomy Of Good Instruction

There are a lot of opinions about how to design quality instruction. New technologies, theories, and processes are continually created and touted as the next greatest thing for instructional designers. And while these new technologies can be powerful, there are a few key instructional strategies that must be implemented to maximize learning effectiveness.
by Joel Gardner, PhD
November 29, 2012

Test And Assess – Be A Curator!

Paint cures but what’s that to do with testing? Curation as a process has been going on a long time; you probably had teachers who shared reading lists, sites of interest, things to do on your next family vacation.
by William J. Ryan