Instructional Design Trends

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February 1, 2016

5 Instructional Design Trends That Shaped Our Adult Learning Universe: Reflections From Obsidian Learning

As learning professionals, we often think of the types of learning that best fit different learning styles. One of these is reflective learning. Reflective learning is a way of allowing students to step back from their learning experience, reflect on it, think critically about it, and improve their future performance. So, at the crossroads between the years, I started reflecting on the lessons I learned in 2015, the experiences I had, and the wishes and expectations I have for 2016. On a personal level, I like doing a “year in review”. It gives me perspective and helps me set my goals. Why not professionally as well, then? So, what trends influenced our adult learning universe in 2015?
by Monica Savage
January 20, 2016

2016 Instructional Design Trends Compass: Experiences, Ecosystems, Evaluations. Oh My!

Instructional designers and learning & development (L&D) professionals of all levels—this article is for you. SweetRush Senior Instructional Designer Shauna Vaughan is back with a look at three of this year’s biggest trends, and once again, specific advice and resources for you to explore each of them further. Read on for Shauna’s thoughts on how L&D will take a strategic leap forward by focusing on experiences, ecosystems, and evaluation.
by Shauna LeBlanc Vaughan
February 2, 2015

2015 Instructional Design Trends Compass: Calling IDs to Action

Attention, fellow instructional designers! Our industry is all about learning and change, but our target audiences are not the only ones who should be learning. This in-depth article will help you stay at the forefront of 2015 instructional design trends. And it’s not just a list of the trends, but a “compass” with calls to action to help you implement them.
by Shauna LeBlanc Vaughan
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