Online Learning

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September 11, 2015

Do We Have Different Learning Needs?

In today’s learning world there seems to be a huge spectrum between the associated characteristics of the various generations of learners; however, ultimately, whether we are Millennials or Baby Boomers, are we that dissimilar? Do we all have different learning needs?
by Marie Faulkner
September 3, 2015

Humanitarian eLearning: Helping Humanitarian Organizations Save Lives

Does eLearning have a crucial role to play in humanitarian organizations? The World Health organization (WHO) seems to think so. Earlier this year, the WHO published a report stating that eLearning could be the key to solving the current global shortfall of 7.2 million healthcare workers, particularly in developing countries where the need for healthcare workers is the greatest. But healthcare is just one very specific area where eLearning can further humanitarian causes – what else does humanitarian eLearning have to offer?
by Chris Barnes
August 26, 2015

7 Ways That eLearning Can Improve Your Learning

eLearning has turned out to be the fastest and easiest way of learning in the present mode of education. It improves learning through high retention of the learning material in memory, flexible curriculum and enhanced technological support with 24/7 accessibility. eLearning can improve your learning and grades. This is also the best method for kids. It saves both time and money.
by Chandan Singh Dev