eBook Release—Updated eLearning Trends In 2018—Featuring 4 Parameters To Help You Select The Right One!

Free eBook—Updated eLearning Trends In 2018—Featuring 4 Parameters To Help You Select The Right One!
Summary: This eBook “Updated eLearning Trends In 2018—Featuring 4 Parameters To Help You Select The Right One!” is the update and the second edition of my previous eBook eLearning Trends And Predictions For 2018.

Updated eLearning Trends In 2018—Featuring 4 Parameters To Help You Select The Right One!

In Jan ’18, I had created my eBook on eLearning trends. In June ’18, I decided to review the eLearning Trends And Predictions I had forecasted for 2018 to see how accurate my assessment was.

eBook Release: Updated eLearning Trends in 2018—Featuring 4 Parameters to Help You Select the Right One!
eBook Release
Updated eLearning Trends in 2018—Featuring 4 Parameters to Help You Select the Right One!
Discover the update and the second edition of the eBook eLearning Trends And Predictions For 2018!

The Focus Of This Review

I looked at the trends from a different viewpoint—one that maps to the reasons why you should adopt any of these trends.

So, this is what I did:

  • I identified 4 parameters during this review.
  • To arrive at the required answer, my team and I reached out to our customers.
  • Furthermore, I did extensive research to assess how the learningscape is across the world.
  • Based on these pointers, I mapped my initial eLearning Trends and Predictions for 2018 to each of these parameters.

Here is the list of the 4 parameters that I used:

  • Parameter 1: What trends reflect the approaches that align better with the way we learn?
  • Parameter 2: What trends are successfully able to influence and improve employee performance?
  • Parameter 3: What approaches can help us measure performance gain?
  • Parameter 4: What approaches can help with ROI determination?

The Result?

  • Of the total 18 trends that I had outlined in the first edition of my eBook on eLearning Trends And Predictions For 2018, I saw a clear resonance with 15 of them with respect to the feedback from our customers and my research.
  • Additionally, the following two trends that were part of the “Emerging or Maturing—Watch out for” show the following levels of adoption:
    • Limited adoption: AR/VR for immersive learning.
    • Still futuristic: Artificial Intelligence or AI in learning.
  • The last trend on Rapid eLearning tools was not part of my mid-year review focus. However, this adoption (notably Articulate Rise and iSpring) has caught eLearning developers’ attention in early 2018.  My assessment is that this will continue to do so in the balance year too.

How will this eBook help you?

This eBook Updated eLearning Trends in 2018—Featuring 4 Parameters to Help You Select the Right One! is designed as an updated guide to help you identify which trends you should adopt. Do read this eBook and use these pointers to further enhance your training delivery and determine its impact.

About The eBook

The eBook is structured into 5 sections:

Section 1: Lists The Trends That Reflect Approaches That Align Better To The Way We Learn

  • Mobile Learning
  • Digitization of ILT (to Blended or Fully Online)
  • Microlearning
  • Personalization
  • Curation and User Generated Content
  • Mobile Apps for Learning
  • Video-Based Learning (Videos and Interactive Videos)

Section 2: Lists The Trends That Are Able To Influence And Improve Employee Performance Successfully

  • Performance Support Tools
  • Gamification
  • Social Learning
  • Informal Learning

Section 3: Lists The Approaches That Can Help Us Measure Performance Gain

  • Next Gen-LMS/LCMS
  • Learning Portals

Section 4: Lists The Approaches That Can Help With ROI Determination

  • Learner Analytics
  • Big Data-Reporting and Analytics

Section 5: Lists Other Notable Trends

  • AR/VR for Immersive Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Learning
  • Rapid eLearning Tools

Do download this eBook Updated eLearning Trends in 2018—Featuring 4 Parameters to Help You Select the Right One! and use it to successfully enhance the training delivery in your organization.

If you have any specific queries or would like to see how we can help you achieve your mandate, do contact us or leave a comment below.

eBook Release: EI
EI is an emotionally intelligent learning experience design company that partners with customers in their Digital Transformation journey.
Originally published on July 10, 2018