How Useful Is Rapid eLearning For Corporate Organizations?

Rapid eLearning For Corporate Organizations
Summary: Market trends change in the blink of an eye and skills that were relevant a few years back become obsolete. In order to keep up with the market’s pace, corporate organizations need to be able to upskill their existing employees at a much faster rate, and there’s no better way than rapid eLearning.

Rapid eLearning: The Need Of The Hour?

Modern-day markets are fast-paced and unpredictable. Just-In-Time training often becomes the need of the hour, and there’s no better way to deliver Just-In-Time training than rapid eLearning.

What Is Rapid eLearning?

While there are varying definitions of rapid eLearning, most eLearning professionals agree that rapid eLearning is a process used to quickly create short but concise eLearning content and courses. But that’s not all. There are certain criteria that have to be fulfilled in order for eLearning to be called rapid eLearning. They are as follows:

  1. Rapid eLearning courses are usually developed in 2-3 weeks.
  2. Content for rapid eLearning courses is provided by SMEs (Subject Matter Experts).
  3. Rapid eLearning courses are created using rapid authoring tools like Articulate, Claro or Adapt.
  4. They are simple, with standard templates, but they contain assessments as well as feedback and can be tracked.
  5. Rapid eLearning modules take one hour or less to be completed.

Rapid eLearning, in addition to saving time by deploying eLearning quickly and upskilling employees in a shorter duration than traditional eLearning, offers a number of benefits to corporate organizations. Let us have a look at them.

Benefits Of Rapid eLearning For Corporate Organizations

1. It Saves Money

Rapid eLearning not only saves time but also money. Rapid eLearning courses are usually created using existing resources like storyboards, training material or other eLearning material already present in the organization’s database. This means that the development cost is highly reduced.

2. It Can Be Easily Translated Into Multiple Languages

Large organizations usually have various business operations spanning many countries. Delivering training to employees in different countries requires that training is delivered in their native language. Translating full-fledged traditional eLearning courses can be a painstaking endeavor that requires bandwidth and resources. However, as rapid eLearning courses are shorter in size and content, as well as simple, they can be easily converted into word documents and then translated into different languages with the help of translators.

3. It Is Perfect For mLearning

mLearning is the future of eLearning, and that future is now. Already, most organizations that know what’s good for them have started using mLearning to deliver courses directly to their employees' smartphones, offering them the ultimate flexibility of time and place to complete the courses. As rapid eLearning content is short and concise, it is perfectly suited to be accessed on smartphones.

4. It Doesn’t Require Technical Experts To Develop

Perhaps one of the most advantageous aspects of rapid eLearning is that it requires no technical expertise to develop. Unlike traditional eLearning courses, it requires no graphic designers, no coders or programmers, which means that anyone, even the SMEs themselves, can create rapid eLearning courses in no time.

5. It Accelerates Retention Of Knowledge

Rapid eLearning is created for the sole purpose to save time and deliver Just-In-Time training. This means that it employs the same concept as microlearning or bite-sized learning. Any irrelevant material is stripped away, and only the "crème-de-la-crème" information is left for the employees to absorb and retain. As there are no redundancies, retaining information becomes easy.

When Should You Employ Rapid eLearning?

As mentioned above, rapid eLearning should be used when employees need to be upskilled in a short duration. However, there are certain other circumstances in which employing rapid eLearning can be beneficial. These include:

  • When your eLearning content is mainly SME-based. In such a case, the responsibility of creating a whole rapid eLearning course can be handed over to the SME, who is well-versed in the intricacies of the content at hand. As no technical proficiency is required, the SME will have no problems creating the course.
  • Sometimes organizations lack the budget to develop a full-fledged traditional eLearning program for their employees. In such a case, rapid eLearning is a boon as the development costs involved are far less.

Rapid eLearning is not suitable for all situations but is a great way for organizations to accelerate employee development in times of need. Use it wisely.

eBook Release: Tamplo
Project and Team management software
Originally published on February 22, 2020
Originally published at