5 Surefire Ways To Use An LMS For Your Customer Retention Strategies

5 Surefire Ways To Use An LMS For Your Customer Retention Strategies
Summary: Building a rapport is the only way to achieve long-term success and continually expand your business. Here's how to use a consumer education LMS for customer retention strategies.

Customer Retention Strategies: Using A Customer Education LMS To Build Trust

Do your customer retention strategies establish trust and foster long-term business growth? How likely are customers to use your product in the long term and spread the word about their experience? An LMS helps create targeted customer training to improve customer retention rates. Self-driven customer education allows you to quickly identify and resolve pain points that customers encounter throughout their journeys. Here is how it works.

eBook Release: The Ripple Effects Of Customer Training On Loyalty And Customer Satisfaction
eBook Release
The Ripple Effects Of Customer Training On Loyalty And Customer Satisfaction
Discover how to use learning technologies to enhance your customer retention strategy and boost brand loyalty.

Using An LMS To Implement Your Customer Retention Strategy

1. Focus On Customer Needs

The key to customer retention is proving that your solution helps them overcome complex challenges cost-effectively. Therefore, to improve customer retention strategies, draw attention to how your product addresses their various pain points. For instance, use case studies, infographics, testimonials, and other content formats laced with facts and stats.

2. Create Video Tutorials

The main objective for your customer retention strategies should be to increase customer know-how so that they maximize product value. Thus, video training tutorials are a chance for them to see the product in action and discover innovative uses. Customer education in video format boosts engagement because it's multisensory and fosters real world application.

3. Use Interactive Customer Training

Leading brands maximize the ROI of customer training by using interactive simulations and branching scenarios. Since it gives customers the opportunity to test out product features and explore every benefit firsthand. You can also incorporate real-life SaaS solution use cases in your LMS training to improve customer satisfaction and renewal rates.

4. Track Engagement Levels

Use the built-in LMS reporting and learning analytics features to measure customer engagement throughout the holistic training experience. These metrics reveal critical insights for customer retention strategies, such as the need for microlearning videos when dealing with Gen X customers. Or maybe you need to enrich your online course with gamification for your Millennial consumers. Another insider tip is to gather training feedback to customer education roadmap. For instance, users can rate their experience and share what they liked best/least about the consumer education resources.

5. Get Social

Your LMS customer education program should give them the opportunity to connect with like-minded peers through customer communities. While marketers and CX professionals are able to customize a user-friendly online training portal to improve customer relationships and boost consumer collaboration. Another way to incorporate social elements into your retention strategy is to make the most storytelling. Encourage customers to share personal anecdotes about your product or the top notch service they received.

Consumer Retention Best Practices: How to Retain Clients

There are countless ways that brands can use as a customer education strategy to drive subscription renewals and customer retention. The key is to listen to customers, understand them, reward participation, and sustain high engagement levels.

Reward Loyal Customers

Effective upselling and cross-selling with a customer training LMS solution requires identification and recognition of your VIP customers. These clients bring in the most revenue and should receive the biggest share of your incentives and rewards to keep them loyal. LMS and CRM integration is how top brands manage to land more sales and build a solid reputation with customer education. It makes it easier to track purchase history and CSAT rates. As a result, you can offer products or services that are most appealing based on consumer needs and expectations.

Watch Out For Signs Of Churning

An LMS helps create targeted customer training so that consumers stay put. For example, you can create a comprehensive customer education program with metrics for tracking training, feedback loops, and real-time engagement. This makes it easier to notice waning interest and churning signals. Analyze the root cause and act before customers jump ship. Let's say a customer hasn't logged on in the past few weeks. This is a sign of trouble—these customers have likely made up their minds that your solution is no longer a viable option. Or maybe they're ready to test the waters and try new products. This is the time for you to amplify proactive customer education. Customer retention strategies help you learn their frustrations, then show them what is new and exciting about your solution.

Shorten Onboarding Learning Curve

One of the critical customer education program best practices is onboarding. Streamlining implementation and deployment shortens the learning process and prevents churn with new customers. To sum up, successful onboarding and product training mean fewer frustrations for customers. Plus, you have the chance to fully engage them from the start. Another perk is that consumers master your product in record time, instead of dealing with a steep learning curve.

Use Gamification And Referrals

If you're concerned about how to create recurring revenue streams from existing customers, try integrating a referral program into your LMS customer training process. Keep in mind that most consumers want to find the best solution with minimal stress involved. Their first step is usually to ask a friend or colleague for referrals versus reaching out to brands directly. Thus, incentivizing your customer training program turns loyal consumers into brand champions. They spread the word in return for exclusive offers and other VIP perks.

Create A Customer Feedback Loop

Actively listening to customers is the most effective way to improve satisfaction scores. For instance, you can improve customer service based on customer feedback regarding your services or product usability. After all, it's impossible to upsell and cross-sell with a customer training LMS if you don't know how customers feel about their current experience. In fact, it helps to collect customer feedback through online reviews, surveys, and focus groups.

What Makes A Consumer Retention Strategy A Success?

Social Proof

Customers trust fellow customers more than your branded messages because it comes from an impartial third-party. Your customer retention strategy should incorporate online reviews and case studies into the customer digital learning content. For example, use customer success stories to show new customers the value of your product in real world trials and positively influence their decision-making process. Plus, it makes them feel they're part of a community. Namely, a community they can tap into for additional tips, tricks, and innovative uses after they invest in your brand.


Approach your customers like real people. Design a customer training delivery strategy that connects with them on a personal level. In other words, let your customers know that their voices matter. Take their feedback into consideration and then use it to continually improve your business model or product design. With Adobe Captivate Prime LMS, you can deliver seamless learning in the flow of customer experiences. It marries customer education with the customer experience to personalize every aspect of your training program.


Mention loyal clients in your case studies or give them a social media shout-out. Most consumers enjoy public recognition. Just make sure you don't violate any confidential agreements in the process. For instance, you may want to ask for permission before you post their client success story on your landing page.

Customer Training Solutions: Tips on How to Increase Client Retention and Train Customers

Create Digital Forums For Customer Participation

Launch customer feedback boards and bite-sized chunks of customer education content that target specific pain points. For example, they need help customizing software settings. So, a microlearning demo is there to walk them through the process. Then they can chat about their experience on the message boards.

Be Open To Pre-Launch Feedback

Build chat rooms where customers can share their experiences in beta testing and piloting new products and services. Also, let them know how their input played a vital role in product improvement.

Use Active Nudges

The key is to keep consumers engaged throughout their journey to improve customer retention strategies. So, send personalized communications at crucial touchpoints to keep your brand fresh in their minds. Encourage customers to embrace the habit of asking questions, sharing their problems, and requesting help.

Never Assume

Don't think that customers know everything about your product. In fact, your customer education platform should help customers explore the many ways that your company can make their lives easier. Simply put, never assume that your target audience is already familiar with your brand or its offerings.

Show Gratitude

Remember to thank loyal customers creatively. Unfortunately, brands dish out so many "thanks" these days that it's lost most of its value. So, show your appreciation through small gestures, like email messages and bonus training content. Cross-train customers on other solutions you provide and how they can tap into even more ownership perks.


Strong customer retention strategies start with clear objectives and the right tech tools. Adobe Captivate Prime LMS is a consumer education platform that allows you to engage with your target audience and bring new customers into the fold. But it's also crucial to connect with loyal customers on a regular basis and make them feel like they're part of your bigger brand community. They get more value from your offerings and you improve the ROI of customer training.

Download the eBook The Ripple Effects Of Customer Training On Loyalty And Customer Satisfaction today to discover more tried and tested ways to retain your customers and bring new ones on board. You can also join the webinar to learn if the "holy grails" of consumer education are truly achievable.

Originally published on April 13, 2021