3 Tips To Bring In Learning Effectiveness When Your Client Wants Only Engagement

3 Tips To Bring In Learning Effectiveness When Your Client Wants Only Engagement

3 Tips To Bring In Learning Effectiveness When Your Client Wants Only Engagement

How To Bring In Learning Effectiveness When Your Client Wants Only Engagement

We’ve all heard this before. I have, at least a few hundred times. A new client reaching out, saying: “We are looking to create an engaging course. Please make it as interactive as possible.” And every time I hear this, I go “Hey, wait! What about learning effectiveness?”. I ruminate over why no one is talking about the effectiveness of a course, when that is the first thing we should be focusing on. And then, one fine Sunday morning, it struck me. A light bulb moment!

Apartment Design And Other Stories 

We were talking to an interior designer for doing up our apartment, and before we met him, I had made a PowerPoint presentation, and as is typical of me, detailed every little corner that we wanted shelving in, including the length, width, and height of each shelf inside the cupboards. And I had convinced my husband to not think about the style or the colors until we got this, the basics, right.

After all, form should follow function. And to me, this was the right way to do things, the focus on the effectiveness (the “livability” of the house) before the engagement (the colors and the aesthetics).

When we met the designer with the presentation, he was not only stumped and taken aback, he told me he’d never seen anyone do this before.

People don’t necessarily go by effectiveness. They don’t say “I want my home to be functionally well-designed”. Instead, they say something to the effect of “I like contemporary, but I also like art deco, and I want my home to have elements of both.”, or “I love orange, and I want it in my living room”. And beyond outlining a few requirements, they leave it to the designer to figure out the rest.

That got me thinking. Just because the client (or the business head or Subject Matter Expert) throws around a few terms, it doesn’t mean they are aware of what makes an effective course. That’s for us learning designers to think about and come up with.

Learning Effectiveness And Learning Engagement

Of course, we know engagement is really important. Only if the learner is engaged does their mind open up, and they become attentive and receptive to what the course is saying. And no matter how well we design the course, if the learner is not going to pay attention, then all our efforts are wasted.

But engagement alone is not enough. Movies, books, and games have taught us that. Audiences take up adventures, go on journeys, and laugh and cry with characters, and once done, go back to being the same person they were before they went through the experience. Nothing changes. While this is okay for a work of fiction, it is not okay for a learning experience, because what we ultimately want is behavior change. We want to build the skill or ability for a person to do something they were not able to do before.

So how do we bring learning effectiveness to a course without having to lecture the client or other stakeholders about it? For starters, we can ask a few questions:

3 Ways To Bring In Learning Effectiveness To Your Courses 

Once we’ve asked all of the above questions (and don’t for a moment think that we’ll get all the answers!), here are a few things we can do to nudge the course towards making it effective:

1. Drop Learners In A Realistic Setting.

And have them "do" the job they would have to do in real life. This could, depending on what the course is about, mean that they:

2. Show Them The Consequences.

For each action, show your learners the consequences of their action, and provide detailed feedback on why that action is right or wrong. And, when they have invested cognitive effort in working out the answer to a tough question, they are truly open to learning from the consequence, as well as the feedback. This is where real learning takes place.

3. Think About The End Of The Training.

Create opportunities to support them and motivate them well after the training is over. Because after all, training is just the beginning of learning.

What do you think? What else can we do to make sure that our learning program turns out be not just engaging, but also effective?

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