39 Statistics That Prove The Value Of Employee Training

Employee Training Statistics For 2021

Employee Training Statistics For 2021

Training Statistics For 2021

It goes without saying that employee training is beneficial for organizations of any size, but to what extent? A strong training and development program can have numerous short- and long-term benefits, including increasing employee engagement and retention rates, encouraging innovative thinking, mitigating risks, and giving your organization a competitive edge.

Still not convinced? These 39 statistics on training and development will change your mind. Industry trends, regulations, and in-demand skills are always changing. If you neglect your employees’ training and development, you’re putting your company’s future success at risk.

In 2021, every organization should take time to assess their employee training needs, find an effective solution, and implement a learning strategy from start to finish.

Employee Training Statistics

Employees value training opportunities just as much, if not more, than their employers. The modern professional knows the recipe for a successful career is ongoing learning and growth, yet companies often fail to provide their employees with the proper tools for development.

The following statistics demonstrate the importance of proper job training for today’s workforce:

Training And Retention Statistics

Employees value learning and development opportunities, so it’s no surprise that workers are more likely to stay at companies that invest in their continued education. Organizations with successful training programs typically see a significant increase in employee retention.

Turnover is costly, and most businesses can’t afford to lose their top-performing employees.

Leadership Training Statistics

Leadership is one of the most in-demand workplace skills. Employees who have received leadership training also have better teamwork skills and are more prepared to progress to higher positions. Not only does training help prepare junior staff for the future, but it also ensures tenured managers are actively working to enhance their leadership skills.

These statistics show why leadership training is essential to employee development programs:

Compliance Training Statistics

Compliance training helps create a safer workplace and minimizes the risk of legal action. Common compliance training topics include anti-harassment, diversity, ethics, data protection and privacy, cybersecurity, and workplace safety.

Every employee should complete compliance training in order to maintain a safe and productive working environment. Here are some training statistics about workplace compliance you need to know:

Online Training Statistics

It’s not news that the world is becoming increasingly digital. Online training is more accessible for employees, provides a broader range of learning topics, and helps lower overall company training costs. Moving corporate training online is especially imperative for companies that allow remote work.

The following training industry statistics showcase the importance of providing relevant and accessible online learning:

Set Your Company Up for Success

As we move into 2021, you can expect organizations to put a heavier focus on employee training and development. Companies need to be prepared to supply quality training content to employees at all levels of business as regulations continue to change and remote work becomes more ubiquitous. Learn how Lorman can take your employee training to the next level.

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