4 Reasons To Move Your eLearning Development To The Cloud

4 Reasons To Move Your eLearning Development To The Cloud

4 Reasons To Move Your eLearning Development To The Cloud

Why You Should Move Your eLearning Development To The Cloud

1. Work anytime, anywhere.

Do you or your colleagues work from home or remotely? Does your company have multiple offices across the globe? Cloud-based development throws location restraints out the window! All you need is an Internet connection and a great online authoring tool such as Lectora Online to start developing your eLearning content in the cloud. Anyone who is granted permission to work on your project can easily hop online anytime and anywhere and securely collaborate, review and contribute to the course material. This is great for teams that are not always in the same location at the same time and also provides a convenient option if you need access to your project at home or on- the -go.

2. Collaborate real-time with your entire team.

Eliminate communication barriers and costly time gaps between status meetings. Cloud-based eLearning development allows you to streamline your team communication. Easily collaborate on project tasks, solve issues collectively and stay connected real-time with project status and important milestones. A great cloud-based authoring tool gives you a one-stop shop for communicating and developing with the entire team.

3. Keep feedback organized.

Keeping track of team feedback and implementing the correct revisions into your training course is vital to the success of the project! It’s all too easy to misplace an email or forget a conversation regarding a fix that needs to be made in your course. Online eLearning development tools help you keep all the feedback of your course in one place. Allow your team to easily share and collect thoughts on specific parts of a course to help make your eLearning content the best it can be!

4. Make workflows more efficient.

Once you read through all the feedback from your team, it’s time to edit! Using a cloud-based development platform makes it simple to edit immediately after reviewing everyone’s feedback since both the feedback comments and the course content are all in one place. This leaves a lot less room for error!

Creating your eLearning content in the cloud can simplify your development process and make it more efficient. It’s very easy to make the switch and get started. One great tool to consider is Lectora Online. This product allows you to do all of the above plus more! Not only can you easily collaborate with your team anywhere, anytime – you also get all the great features that come with Lectora eLearning software. If you are interested in learning how this online collaboration and authoring tool can help you, get a 30-day free trial and see for yourself how you can streamline your development process. To get a quick tour on how this product works and how it can benefit your team, take a look at these quick video demos!

The next time you sit down to create an eLearning course, consider these four benefits and visualize how cloud-based development can make that project easier than ever to complete!

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