5 Corporate Challenges Solved With Rapid eLearning

5 Corporate Challenges Solved With Rapid eLearning

5 Corporate Challenges Solved With Rapid eLearning

Corporate Challenges Solved With Rapid eLearning: Scenarios And Solutions

Scenario 1: Jim is the training manager of a large insurance company. His organization has an internal training team that has created lots of eLearning storyboards in PowerPoint, from classroom presentations on various subjects. They are now looking to try eLearning; however, the team lacks the ability to use authoring tools needed to convert the PTTs into effective, instructionally-sound online courses.

Scenario 2: Craig is the Learning and Development head of a multinational drug manufacturer. The pharmaceutical company has an internal technology-enabled learning development team, and the team has developed several courses in English for their medical reps. Craig now needs to get these courses translated into 20 languages, in a month, to meet the needs of his global, multilingual sales staff.

Scenario 3: Greg is the technical training manager of an automobile company. His company has developed hundreds of highly interactive, video-based courses in Flash, for its service technicians. The courses are now “obsolete” as they cannot be accessed on the smartphones and tablets of learners. Greg wants to make these courses mobile-compatible.

In the above scenarios, training managers do not need to develop online courses from scratch. They have learning materials which need to be developed further, translated, or converted to other online formats. Projects initiated to meet these types of learning requirements are known as rapid eLearning development initiatives. Unlike end-to-end eLearning development, rapid eLearning does not involve the development of online learning materials from scratch and builds on existing resources.

Let us now look at the different corporate training challenges solved with rapid eLearning. Maybe you will spot your challenge, and find the solution is only a step away.

1. Create Online Courses Rapidly From Existing Resources

Many organizations have internal training teams that create storyboards in PowerPoint. However, they are unable to publish these courses into technology-enabled learning materials, as they lack the expertise in using authoring tools.

In some cases, though firms employ a team of eLearning developers who are skilled in the use of rapid authoring tools such as Articulate Storyline, they do not have the ability to convert hundreds of presentations into online courses quickly, at low cost.

This is where rapid eLearning helps. Current generation rapid authoring tools have a host of inbuilt features and publishing options which make it easy to easy to convert training material to online courses, rapidly. These authoring tools allow you to import storyboards and publish them into effective eLearning courses. You can get the best value for your training dollar by outsourcing the conversion of your storyboards to a reputed technology-enabled learning solutions provider. Check the eBook E-learning Outsourcing: Selecting the Right E-learning Vendor to know more about how to make your eLearning outsourcing initiative a success.

2. Translate eLearning Courses To Ensure Consistent, Simultaneous Training, Across Locations

Companies are now expanding their business operations to new shores. Globalization has resulted in a major challenge – delivery of effective training to workforce in their native languages.

eLearning is the preferred choice of multinational companies to train their international staff, as the online learning format is cost-effective and helps overcome the barriers of time and place. Many global organizations have in-house online course development teams that develop web-based courses in English, but lack the resources to translate these courses in the languages spoken by their staff. They may not have the bandwidth to support massive translations, within short durations, and also lack access to skilled translators and linguistic experts.

Rapid eLearning development tools can be used to facilitate quick and effective translations. Courses developed using most of these tools can be exported as an MS-Word document or an XML file, which can be handed over to the translator. Once, the translator renders the content into the target language, the file can be imported into the tool and the course in the target language can be developed at the click of a button. It is as simple as that.

3. Convert Legacy eLearning Courses To New Online Learning Resources

Companies want to recreate existing online courses mainly due to the two following reasons:

  1. Mobile incompatibility.
    Many organizations have several eLearning courses in Flash, a format that is incompatible with mobile devices. To resolve this problem, organizations need to convert these courses to the HTML5 format, which works seamlessly on smartphones and tablets.
  2. Re-branding initiatives.
    Most companies develop web-based courses that reflect their brand. When they launch re-branding exercises, the firms want the look and feel of their courses to be altered, so that they reflect the new brand image.

Organizations can meet the above online learning requirements rapidly, in an affordable manner, using rapid authoring tools. Rapid authoring tools speed up the conversion of legacy courses.

4. Develop Video-Based Learning Materials Quickly

Videos are unarguably the most popular online media elements. A report published by Cisco reveals that globally, IP video traffic will be 82% of all IP traffic (both business and consumer) by 2021, up from 73% in 2016.

The phenomenal growth in the use of videos is compelling companies to go for video-based learning solutions. You can use tools such as GoAnimate to develop eLearning videos rapidly, with minimal expenditure. Many organizations are outsourcing the development of learning videos to experienced vendors as the latter can produce high quality training videos at low cost.

5. Convert Webinars To On-Demand Web-Based Learning Materials

It is a well-known fact that webinars are a cost-efficient means to reach customers across the world. These marketing tools are very effective in holding the attention of learners for long periods (around 45 minutes to one hour), and this makes them ideal to provide comprehensive explanation.

You can convert webinar recordings into engaging online learning resources that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, on any device, using rapid eLearning development tools such as Adobe Presenter.

We thus see that rapid eLearning can meet your online learning development needs quickly, in an effective manner. We hope you found a solution for your training challenge.

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