5 Truths About Online Authoring Tools

5 Truths About Online Authoring Tools

5 Truths About Online Authoring Tools

5 Truths About Online Authoring Tools Your Boss Needs To know

Everybody is connected. This sentence has even more sense nowadays. Thanks to the internet, everyone can be connected, every information can be found, and interactivity has never been so high. With the Cloud emergence, the whole internet has been transformed: You can be connected all along the day, as your smartphone follows you everywhere, and even your house or your watch might be connected! An online authoring tool is an online software based on cloud technology, that will give you real benefits in creating interactive learning content. In this article, we will highlight 5 truths about online authoring tools.

1. They Keep Your Work Safe

Transferring all your work and content online can appear risky and dangerous to control. This can be true if you share all the information about your company without setting security standards. From this point of view, traditional standalone authoring tools seem safer, but in reality they are not. Everyone can have access to your computer, and technical problems occur often; this means you can lose all your contents in a few seconds without being able to get them back. This seems less safe now, right? With online authoring tools, you don’t have to think about those previous risks. The software will provide you a storage space, and all your data will be saved online on dedicated servers. Even if you break your laptop or your hard disk suddenly gets destroyed, you will be able to find your contents. You just need to connect with your online authoring tool account and enter your username and password. There, you will find all your contents saved and safe.

2. They Create Content Anywhere At Anytime

With online authoring tools, you can have access to the software anywhere and at any time. You don’t have to be locked in your office to work, trying to juggle your planning and your business trips. All you need is a computer and an internet connection. You can have access to your authoring tool online, and all you have to do is enter your username and password on the login page. You can now work from your home or from another office without thinking about what you can and what you can’t do from there! This make your life easier and you can save time.

Moreover, with online authoring tools content and modules can be stored on the Learning Management System platform associated to online authoring tools: With this configuration, learners can work from everywhere, when they want!

3. They Enhance Co-Working

"One license" does not mean "one trainer". You can easily share your license with your colleagues, and there is no limit to that! The only condition is to not be connected at the same time. Do you make the link? This is cost and time effective!

This is a big difference between online and simple authoring tools, where you have only one license for one user on one computer. You save cost by paying only one license for your creation instead of paying license for your entire team.

4. Online Authoring Tools Are Always Up To Date

Most authoring tools, as most of the software, have to be install on your PC. The software can benefit from the new features if you do manually the update; this is taking a lot of time and often it is not free! With online authoring tools, forget about the past and just enjoy a software always up to date. You benefit from all the new features and functionalities of your authoring tool without doing anything and most of all, for free. This is possible thanks to the SaaS model.

This functionality is even valuable when the authoring tool provides a full ready-made content library, always up to date, with regular new environments and avatars. This is the case for ITyStudio: Below you can see examples of environments and avatars provided by the online serious game authoring tool.

5. They Publish, Update, And Translate Easier!

When you have multilingual learners, it is difficult to create content in each language. Generally, you create only one training in the main language and share it with every learner because you don’t want to spend as many hours you spend for one training on every language. Whereas, with online authoring tools, you can easily create your training modules into several languages.

Another problem risk that appears with many learners for training: How to share it? It is even more simple! You can export your module in the format that you want (Standalone, SCORM, or HTML5) and online authoring tools will export it for you. Then, to spread content in a high volume, you can us a Learning Management System. On this platform, your learners all they need to do is download the files and have access online.

Your company is always evolving, and so are your trainings. You have spent time on a training module and, after weeks, you realize you have to modify just one part of the training. With online authoring tools, it’s possible to do it in a few clicks! You have the possibility to modify all your content, even after exportation. All you have to keep on your computer is the source file... No, wait… You don’t need to keep anything, because as you read above, it’s an online authoring tool! You can make your training adaptable to the environments’ change or the market’s change.

Time To Take Action! Try Online Authoring Tools For Free!

In this article, we highlight with you 6 truths about online authoring tools. If you are interested in this kind of solutions, you should definitely have an ITyStudio’s free trial!

This authoring tool contains every single advantage we mentioned above, and more.

It is easy to use, it is engaging, and, best of all: You can try it for free!

Ready to go to the next level? Claim your 30-day free trial here.

Are You Interested In eLearning Technologies? Meet ITyStudio’s Team At The DevLearn 2016!

The DevLearn is the world’s largest eLearning technologies expo and conferences event. This year, again, it will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada, between November 16th – November 18th, and more than 200 learning activities will be offered.

For the first time, ITycom, the digital solutions’ expert for organizations all around the world, will be exhibiting at the DevLearn with its brand new serious games authoring tool’s release: ITyStudio.

Are you planning to go to the DevLearn this year? Come and discover ITyStudio’s booth at the location 342. Let’s meet!

Do not hesitate to visit our ITyStudio’s website, or to contact ITyStudio if you want to meet us in Las Vegas!

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