5 Top EdTech Trends To Watch In 2017 

5 Top EdTech Trends To Watch In 2017 

5 Top EdTech Trends To Watch In 2017 

EdTech Trends: The Techno-Revolution Is Education And Learning

We all have taken a leap of faith in the ingenuity of technology and would never want to look back. Because education and learning is the most progressive industry, there’s nothing like going backward. The Education industry is all set to adapt to the changes innovative technologies are bringing with the aim to continue to improve the system and performance of the learning methods.

It’s all the digital revolution that’s filling the skills gap in the primary, high-secondary classes, colleges and universities, companies, and organizations. As learning is not confined to schools and grad universities but spread over to the workplaces, technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, augmented reality, smart boards, virtual reality, and device technology are heralding the future with state-of-the-art techniques we are yet to see.

Redesigning Learning Spaces And Methods

One thing that we rejoice in when our clients approach us for an education app development solution in the education industry or a more advanced eLearning solution is our contribution towards a noble cause called learning.

21st-century automation has called for some biggest changes including the internet, online portals, mobility, mobile apps, Bluetooth and wireless technology, virtual assistants, and integrated IT infrastructure. This new paradigm in education is being appreciated by teachers, students/learners, and parents. As pedagogy has shifted to group learning, learning at home, a smart classroom, hands-on integrated learning, more gadgets, and devices are included.

While eLearning platforms have evoked transformative education, there are many more digital breakthroughs that are going to redesign the future learning space. If you aren’t yet exposed to this metamorphosis, just jump in. Get an app built for your educational institute, school, college, or make learning in your area smarter and more connected. Education app development is the new choice for many educators and trainers.

The Top EdTech Trends To Watch In 2017

Along with education app development, let’s look at the trends of today that are changing the face of education and learning. Education is on the cusp of profound change in this digital economy. Kindergarten teachers are moving towards an immersive learning when they can tell stories through immersive learning. This can be achieved with the help of:

1. Virtual Reality

We can expect to see certain VR advancements in physical classrooms worldwide. For instance, gamified solutions, stimulating visualizations for picture storytelling, for performing lap experiments in Physics, Medical, Astronomy, and Biology. Wearing the headsets, students can clearly see how a chemical reaction takes place and form a new concentrated solution or the way rats breathe and perform the respiratory activities. Professional courses like engineering and science of studying rocks and will be much more fun in the future.

2. Augmented Reality

There is a completely new way to teach through field trips where teachers, through Google Glass, take the students miles away to a place, to an industry or a factory, a historical location, where they can actually learn about the place, its specialties, history, and all it has to offer by experiencing a real view. AR interactive apps can recognize the image in the real world and allow users to interact with them, individually or in teams.

3. Cloud Computing

It’s going to be quick and easy for both students and teachers to access the homework done by them and all other learning resources available on the cloud, by connecting a single electronic device. This will be a relief from heavy bags with huge textbooks. As long as you have internet connection in the classroom, the learning material, teacher’s notes will be available on the internet. The students who aren’t available for the class that day can access from their home or in school the other day in their free time, without having to scribble them down in notebooks.

This will definitely save paper and students from carrying bulky school bags. They can integrate more open and flexible learning as students can complete their assignments anytime from anywhere, even when they are traveling.  The digital library will be the sweetest replacement of campus library when the student is not present physically. They can still stay connected and learn to be at home when they aren’t well. Their studies won’t suffer anytime.

4. Game-Based Learning

Moving on to modern teaching methods that are intuitive, game-based learning is one important element adopted online. Learning through motions that are directly captured and can be seen live on the screen.

5. Online Social Networking

Why do we work in teams? Ever wondered?

Yes, because we learn more when there are discussions, questions, counter questions, answers, comments, criticism, and communication. Implementing social networking in the classrooms or outside fosters group studying, which further makes the students capable of answering to each other’s queries, thus giving them the confidence to solve problems and strengthen their bonding as learners.

Learners from school to college to an organization are experiencing education beyond the classroom with mobility, arterial intelligence, cloud computing. Th emulate-touch LCD screens are being incorporated into classrooms to connect with learner’s device and make studies a fun more than a burden. Universities have also made 3D printing available to all students, encouraging them to the field of design and creative professionalism.

The idea of more collaborative learning space is a spot on. People today need motivation and back-to-back communication with for a connected and solution-oriented learning, not confined to classroom walls but opening opportunities to learn from anytime, anywhere in the most innovative, high-tech manner.

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