7 Tips To Get Your eLearning Project Back On Track

How To Get Your eLearning Project Back On Track

As the saying goes: "the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry". No matter how much planning and preparation we put into our eLearning project, sometimes everything seems to go off course. It might be that your eLearning team members aren't getting along or that your software isn't living up to expectations. Whatever the rough patch is, you need to smooth it over before the deadline approaches. Here are some quick fixes that can help you restore order to the eLearning project management process.

1. Take Stock Of Your eLearning Authoring Tools

The answer to all your problems may be right in front of you, in the form of an eLearning authoring tool with hidden features. Take stock off your toolbox and examine every piece of software that you currently own. Does your favorite eLearning authoring tool have features you didn’t even know about? Likewise, you should make sure that the eLearning authoring tools you own are actually meeting your needs instead of holding you back. For example, creating a mobile-friendly eLearning course calls for a responsive design LMS that adjusts to the screen size and resolution. If your tool isn’t able to achieve this, then it may be one of the culprits that is derailing your eLearning project.

2. Schedule Small eLearning Team Meetings

In a perfect world, your eLearning team members would air their grievances and share their opinions freely during your regularly scheduled eLearning meetings. However, eLearning professionals who are more introverted or don’t feel comfortable in large group settings may need smaller eLearning team meetings. Divide your staff into groups and then schedule regular eLearning meetings where they can brainstorm ideas, ask questions, and check their progress. You should also let them know that they can speak with you one-on-one if they have an issue with another member of your eLearning team. There are also a number of video conferencing tools that allow you to meet with your global development team members.

3. Analyze Your Big Data

LMS analytics, learner surveys, and other sources of Big Data can help you identify areas for improvement and streamline your work process. Take a closer look at your reports to see if there are any “weak links” in your eLearning chain. If you don’t have the data you need, then conduct focus groups or opt for a cloud-based Learning Management System that offers the reporting features you require. Sit down with your eLearning team to go over your findings and brainstorm ways to improve your eLearning strategy. Website stats are also worth examining, such as traffic sources, number of visitors, and the length of time they spend on each page.

4. Get Your Subject Matter Expert More Involved

Are you utilizing all of the talents and skills that your Subject Matter Expert has to offer? Ideally, you should meet with your Subject Matter Expert regularly to get their input and feedback. They know a great deal about the topic. As a result, they’ll be able to tell you what you should include in your eLearning course design and what you can do without. However, they are also a valuable asset during the revision process. Ask them to participate in a test run of the eLearning course and make notes of any eLearning modules or activities that need modifications. For example, if they complete a difficult eLearning scenario in under a minute you may have to increase the challenge level in order to meet your online learners’ needs.

5. Pick The Perfect Project Management Platform

If you’re working with an eLearning team you need an effective project management platform to improve your collaboration. There are a variety of free and inexpensive web-based project management tools that allow you to share documents, keep track of online assignments, set deadlines, and offer immediate eLearning feedback. Most eLearning platforms even have project calendars and reminders so that you never have to worry about missing a milestone. eLearning project management tools are great for eLearning freelancers as well, especially if organization and time management is an issue.

6. Analyze Your eLearning Team's Time Management

Speaking of time management, it’s one of the most common issues that plague eLearning projects. This is particularly true if you are working with a distributed eLearning team who are handling a wide range of tasks. Make sure that everyone is taking care of their job responsibilities and not letting distractions stand in the way. Are they actually working on the eLearning project or are their social media habits hindering their productivity? If certain individuals are having trouble staying on-task, encourage them to download productivity apps or meet with them to see if they may need to lighten their workload.

7. Create A Working Prototype

In some instances, it may be difficult to visualize the finished eLearning product. This is when a working prototype can be a valuable asset. It doesn’t have to be perfect. The goal is to receive eLearning feedback that can help you improve your eLearning course design and work out any glitches that may compromise the overall quality of the finished product. Once again, get your Subject Matter Expert involved, as well as any clients or stakeholders who can offer their input. If possible, ask a few members of your audience to try out the eLearning course prototype and identify its weaknesses and strengths. After you’ve received enough data you can go back to the eLearning storyboard and make minor adjustments. At the very least, creating a working prototype allows you to pinpoint additional authoring eLearning tools or online resources that you need in order to achieve the desired outcome.

No obstacle is insurmountable if you have the right eLearning team and tools at your side. When the road gets a bit rocky, enlist the help of your eLearning colleagues and come up innovative ways to solve the problem using the eLearning tools that are available. You may be surprised by how much difference a brainstorming session can make.

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