7 Types Of Visual Content To Make eLearning Courses Effective

7 Types Of Visual Content To Make eLearning Courses Effective

7 Types Of Visual Content To Make eLearning Courses Effective

Using Visual Content To Make eLearning Courses Effective

Our brains love visual information. We’re wired to process visual information a lot faster than text. In fact, did you know that presentations with visual aids were found to be 43% more persuasive than the ones without? No wonder why social platforms like Instagram and Pinterest have become so popular. It’s also why Facebook posts with images tend to get shared a lot more than the ones without.

How can you use this behavior to your advantage while designing Learning courses?

If you want your audience to better engage and retain their learning experience, then you need to incorporate powerful visuals into your courses. Visuals make it easy to understand your message without having to plow through volumes of text, dealing with language ambiguities, analyzing complex statements and looking up jargons.

Here are 7 types of visual content that you can bake into your eLearning courses to ensure that your audience not only connects with them better but also retains the information longer.

1. Characters

We are social beings and are heavily influenced by their opinions and suggestions. In fact, did you know that more than 96% of schoolchildren in US can recognize Ronald McDonald? That’s the power of creating a memorable character.

Using characters in your eLearning courses can make it more interesting than running a dry chunk of text across your screens. It also creates a familiar environment of receiving instructions from a teacher or mentor, like your learners had back in school. It even allows your audience to visually remember the information by attributing it to your character.

Here are some tips to create a memorable character for your eLearning courses:

The key is to create believable and human characters that quickly build a connection with your audience. If you’re unable to create a character from scratch, you can always use a popular character such as Bart Simpson or Jedi Master Yoda to make things interesting.

2. Illustrations And Icons

Illustrations and Icons provide a great way to explain complex concepts and processes in a simple manner. Here are some ways you can create effective illustrations for your courses:

3. Visualizations (Charts And Graphs)

Visualizations are a useful way to highlight trends and explain complex relationships. For example, compare the 2 diagrams below showing the same data. In which one do you think it’s easier to spot patterns?

The growth in sales is obvious in the line chart but hard to spot in the table.

While using charts and graphs, the key is to use the right visualization to present your information. Here are some ways you can effectively use visualizations to convey your message

4. Animated GIFs

Animated GIFs have become one of the most popular ways to communicate messages, forcing even social media platforms like Facebook to support it. However, they’re not just for websites and sending cat videos. You can also include them in your eLearning courses in a variety of ways:

Animated GIFs also allow you to portray yourself as a more casual and approachable trainer who likes to have fun while learning.

5. Infographics

Infographics are one the best ways to communicate business information about various scenarios, from explaining complex analytical reports to sophisticated statistics, from listing business processes to simply telling a powerful story.

Infographics not only strike the right balance between cool and professional, they also provide a visually compelling way to present complex information and engage learners.

You can use tools like Canva, Piktochart, and Infogram to quickly create a visual story from your data.

6. Images

Including relevant, memorable images in your eLearning courses is a powerful way to drive learner engagement, reduce cognitive load and efficiently fulfill learning objectives. In fact, you can even use images to grab attention, stir emotions and compel your audience to proactively participate in your program.

Photographs can also be used to simplify complex ideas and make them stay longer in the learner’s mind. However, it’s important not to overuse it. Here are some tips to effectively use images in your eLearning courses:

7. Videos

The astounding success of video platforms like YouTube and Vimeo prove that video is one of the most engaging forms of consuming content, instead of reading or listening to it. In fact, according to a study by Kleiner Perkins, by 2017, 74% of online traffic will be video.

If used the right way, videos can be the trick to keeping your learners awake and riveted. Videos not only add life to your training sessions but also allow you to present your course in an engaging way, using real-life stories and scenarios. Here are some ways you can use videos in your eLearning courses:

Wrapping It Up

As you can see, there are various ways to present your courses visually and make them exciting. The key is to use the right visual content to convey your ideas. When starting out, experiment with different types of visuals to see which ones generate most response, and which ones are the most impressive. Give your corporate audience a fresh way to learn new things, instead of going with the usual presentations and statistics. Ask your learners what they liked, what they would improve, and refine your courses to maximize their impact.

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